New Member
Hi hows it going this is my first post on here, I have been lurking for a while and I have learned a lot of use full information.
This is my first grow and I am a little confused on whether or not these turned to hermies..
I have one hydro setup and a soil setup at another location both are doing the same thing, ill give all the info on my soil setup to avoid confusion.
What type of medium; soil or hydro? soil
What brand and type of soil? ffof cut down with 25%perlite 25%vermiculite
Indoors or outdoors?indoor
What type of lights and how many watts? 400watts of cfl in veg, 400watts hps in flower
How far from the lights? abot 10-12in
What is your watering frequency and source of water? following ffof feed schedule
What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? ff trios doses cut in half.
What is the medium/runoff pH and PPM if in hydro? 6.5-6.8 soil
What are the temps and humidity in the room? 71-75 deg, 50% hum
What size pots? 2.5 gal
Any bugs? Look real
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