hermie or female?


Well-Known Member
lol well i guess, thats from what iv learned so far, but you should wait for a more reliable answer :D


Well-Known Member
I'd say that could be a teste, as this plant's a bit young to have bracts that size?
Are there more? If not, or only a few, I'd try pinchin' them off?


Well-Known Member
I'd say that could be a teste, as this plant's a bit young to have bracts that size?
Are there more? If not, or only a few, I'd try pinchin' them off?
On this plant I've only noticed one, on another plant there are about 3 or 4 we've been picking off.

It looks like a pollen sack but it kinda looks like a hair is coming out of it I can't tell.


Junior Creatologist
id say the same. Definitely not a male, on account of all the pistils it has already. But is that the only ball youve spotted so far?? If so, maybe wait a couple days, n then chop it off. If its the only ball, then you might have gotten lucky, and a male might have only pollenated one branch on your plant. N to behonest, i dont even know for sure if that IS a ball - there should be a set of them if its a ball. Also, you see the top of it, amlost looks like it wants to break open. Could be a branch that aint growing right. But its probably a ball, lol.

hope thats the only one that pops up on your plant bro.


Well-Known Member
id say the same. Definitely not a male, on account of all the pistils it has already. But is that the only ball youve spotted so far?? If so, maybe wait a couple days, n then chop it off. If its the only ball, then you might have gotten lucky, and a male might have only pollenated one branch on your plant. N to behonest, i dont even know for sure if that IS a ball - there should be a set of them if its a ball. Also, you see the top of it, amlost looks like it wants to break open. Could be a branch that aint growing right. But its probably a ball, lol.

hope thats the only one that pops up on your plant bro.
Very very weird.. I bet it's a mutation of some kind. I really have no idea, this is my first grow. :P


Well-Known Member
its a man.....usualy hermies show late in flower...if u got balls now.... your gonna have 10x more later....sorry....


Well-Known Member
I'd wait.. most males I've seen have more like clusters of pods....teardrop female... grapes males.... That what I've gone by..granted in 6 years I've had only 1 male myself....and 0 hermi's... Thanks pot gods...


Active Member
I think this is what is called a femanized plant. It fertilizes itself. The seeds are much sought after and if you have a good strain you can make some money. You will have a few pollen sacs and you can pull or not depending on how many offspring you want. Good find!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah bro thatz defiantly a hermie. Clip the nutz off it and leave the budz. it will grow just fine with out pollenating yer other plants. as long as you clip off all the seed sacs. ALL OF THEM.


Well-Known Member
I clipped em off a couple days ago.. haven't grown back yet.

Is there a chance it could go back to being 100% female?? It's already like 95-98% female.