Hermie? Or just paranoid? Lol


Well-Known Member
Hm.. Found what appears to be an immature seed toward the bottom of the plant and a male part Ugh just found it


Well-Known Member
if you only saw one or a few male flowers pull em off dont worry. i assume a lil stressed caused it, nothing to be worried about. i had a strain once that would do that to me all the time if everything wasnt perfect.

what i see from the pics is leaf curl (claw shaped) the culprit: too much fertilizer. less is more you will see.


Well-Known Member
no hermies from what I seen. from my last 3 grows, Im a freaking hermie spotting expert.........F'n light leaks (fixed) in my flower room.


Well-Known Member
Like viper said, if its only just an isolated problem pull them off and you should make it just fine!

If it comes down to it though, dont forget that you can always turn her into hash after harvest if she goes full ladyboy on you. Plus you can get some seeds to play with, although I hear that they will also carry the hermie traid. Not a total waste though!