Hermie Plant!

Why is it so stretchy :O Pic 9 looks like you tried to lollipop it and quit halfway through XD! I'm just curious what you did to make it stretch so much :x
Looks like a big old furry male, if your not going to collect the pollen throw him away.

two considerations combatabuse any seeds that come from this plant will be "feminized" but they are also genetically weaker than normal seeds. where did you get them? are these some random bag seeds or are these from a repretal dealer that isa sellig genetically suspect material that we should all know about. I would probally see this thru till harvest.

DAVIDSNOW I have seen something like this before when a hermie flowers, it sterches like crazy all spindally just part of the genetic make-up
They came from a seed bank online. I purchased 10 Blue Mystic females. This particular one was under a bit of stress and hermied. I put it in a special room by itself and i havent seen a reason to kill it.
my plant is rougly three weeks into flowering and there is still no sighs of buds or smell just some of the pistils and leaves are turning purple and some are turning redd is this ok? my plant im pretty sure is a hermie plant which blows cause i go threw everyday and pick the seeds of with tweesers anyone no if this plant is doing good?
my plant is rougly three weeks into flowering and there is still no sighs of buds or smell just some of the pistils and leaves are turning purple and some are turning redd is this ok? my plant im pretty sure is a hermie plant which blows cause i go threw everyday and pick the seeds of with tweesers anyone no if this plant is doing good?

Either you are making an effort to confuse me or you are confused...

-"still no signs of buds just some of the pistils and leaves are turning purple..."

The calyx is what the pistil emerges from. Calyxs growing in clusters ARE the buds.

-" i go threw everyday and pick the seeds of with tweesers "

Ummm... a seed grows inside a fertilised calyx... are you picking off calyxs? If so that is why you don't have buds, you are pulling them off as they grow.

Male flowers are pollen sacs, they look like a little ball on a tiny stem.

A pic would really help