hermie point?


Well-Known Member
When you're smoking them. LOL Just kidding. How much longer do you have to go? If you have.... I'd say....3 weeks left? You're golden. More than that....watch out! Why would they hermie on you? What are ya doing to them ? lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would not stress once I past the 3rd week in flowering, but I am cautious and never (lol) stress them in 12/12


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
a plantcan actully go threw a lot of stress be4 that willhappen. in orde for this to happen your light cycle really has to flukuate, have mass amounts of light leakes. if you keep you girls on the cycle your running at that time you will not have any broblems. goodluck


Active Member
thanks man, 2 weeks into 12/12 and there 6 feet tall, only have 6 inches of light space left so i guess i will have to tie them over sideways. i thought afgani was a short plant! vegged too long i think.


Active Member
i got lucky, bought 10 afgani seeds, all germed, 9 popped up, only 3 males, 6 females. anyone with info on afgani strain?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
how far down can i top them without herms?
what no one said top them tie them over. dont cut the tops off. thats just insane. if you do not have the heat at the tops of the plant that close to the lights then it willnot hurt a thing. i say tie them over put up a fan thats blowing right at the light to blow the heat away.i can keepmy top buds with in inches of my 1000wtt hps with out burning themwith doing it this way. good luck:hump: a derect heat of 93 degrees and higher will most defanetly hurt your bud growth big time. i run 85 degrees derectly under my linght. that at the top of the plant right now 8"below the lightand growing still.


Active Member
dont know how to post pics, anyway, when i tie them over, start with what 45degree angle? they will have to go at least 90 degrees. got plenty of room in my garage, 9ft ceiling height, but after hanging light and shit i have laying around, no more vretical height, sucks because i could probably get more out of them. thanks for the help, i grew my first time with the help of this site. you guys rock!


Active Member
if anyone wants some good ideas on a garage grow i'll post a thread in how i did it section. my setup was easy and worked sweet!