Hermie pollen in grow room

What’s up everyone, quick question. I have heard so many different “opinions” on the subject, but I had a couple Hermies last grow and this time around I’m shooting for a seedless grow. How crazy should I go on the sterilization? I’m not going all out and nuking my room, but I don’t want to take chances either. Water and a little bleach sounds abt right, but if I started a new grow now how long would it take for the ladies to get pollinated if something were to be missed? I pulled quite a few naners out and seen some seeds in 2 in my last grow (They are hanging right now) Also would it be an issue to do my trimming in my room, outside of my tent, then do a good cleaning after the trim work is done? I want to keep my cycle going but not at the expense of a completely seed infested grow. Just wanted some others opinions, or better yet experiences. Any help would be appreciated.
I've got a strain that likes to rodelize. Water nullifies the pollen the bleach will be for general cleaning. If you can, I would try to blow out your room (especially corners and seams) with compressed air then wash it down.
I've got a strain that likes to rodelize. Water nullifies the pollen the bleach will be for general cleaning. If you can, I would try to blow out your room (especially corners and seams) with compressed air then wash it down.
Getting the compressor line from the garage to my tent might be tricky lol. Hopefully a fan will work good enough. Do you think I should worry abt trimming the pollinated plants in the same room? I’m going to be keeping the inside of my tent like a bio lab for the meantime.
Just vacuum as good as you can and wipe everything down. By the time your plants start flowering and can be pollinated anything that might still be around will no longer be viable.
AWESOME! That’s what I’ve been thinking too but I just wanted a few other opinions. I hate reading that “oh it’s viable for 10 years” b.s. I’m a new grower and don’t want to start $100 worth of seeds to end up with a seeded mess. I’d be ok with a few.
As far as trimming the already pollinated in the same room, I would shy away from it, especially if the pollinated was the herm. I don't know how long pollen is viable when exposed to the environment. I would think it would be viable for at least a couple weeks at last.
As far as trimming the already pollinated in the same room, I would shy away from it, especially if the pollinated was the herm. I don't know how long pollen is viable when exposed to the environment. I would think it would be viable for at least a couple weeks at last.
Yea I figured so. It’ll just put me behind a week or 2
Just vacuum as good as you can and wipe everything down. By the time your plants start flowering and can be pollinated anything that might still be around will no longer be viable.
Fortunately a rare thing in my tent. I use a strong shop vac to suck up an Iso/water scrubbing with a brush. Water is your friend. Iso will make you cry. But sterile. And use water too contain pollen. Amazingly resilient stuff.
Damn. Getting these girls to the finish line was just the beginning. My room is kinda my designated room so I don’t wreak up my house. Gotta find a new curing spot now too.