Hermie problem


Well-Known Member
Let me start from the beginning! This was my first grow i put in about 16 plants ended up with 14 by the start of flowering lost a few because they were males.
i didn't have much light at the start now i have it in bunches i am 3 weeks or so from harvesting the rest they already have been flowering over 3months... they seem to of halted and now im getting little yellow banana looking things in the buds a plant a day it seems. have they been in too long and wont grow anymore? some haven't even got brown hairs yet and there as thick as my wrist and tight.

please some advice

This is one of of the plants i pulled this guy a few days ago hairs went brown after it was pulled..



Well-Known Member
Few male flowers never hurt no one, worst you can get is a few seeds, pull or pinch the male flowers off without disturbing the bud. An early picked marijuana plant will still smoke sh!t so dont pull em early.

All female plants have the ability to show male flowers, normally through stress of one kind or the other.

Everyone thinks they got bad genetics or hermie plants, yer like thats the problem not the grower!lol! One day someone is gona show me a real hermie plant but not today! Peace

Slow Roll

Looks like a re-vegetating plant to me. Those green things are new leaves growing out the top of buds. Male flowers would be beneath the buds, usually at a branching point. Revegging is caused by light exposure during the 12 hr darkness cycle. You can try to force them back into flowering by tightening up your light leak (assuming you're growing indoors) but it will take a long time and I haven't found any reports of plants that reverted to flowering without problems. You might have to harvest and just take what you can get. Here's a pic of my own revegging problem plant:
reveg close up.jpg

This plant was developing huge colas and was only weeks from harvest when its growth stalled. It sat there for a month not growing, no swelling calyxes and the trichomes were all clear. Then the new growth appeared and I knew what had happened. Sorry for the bad news, Mate, but I think your lady has a terminal condition.


Well-Known Member
Slow Roll, no! I'm 100% sure that stuff is male stuff, nanners! Still, as Kingrow1 said, it won't hurt that much, remove any male flowers you find. What he said about hermies is absolutely true as well, true hermies are really rare!
In your case, it sounds like late-flowering nanners! How come you have your plants flowering for over 3 months?! Do you know the strain and it's flowering time? Some strains won't change the colour of their pistils, so my guess is that you might have already passed your picking window. You say they "halted" so it might be that... check the trichomes, if you have the means to!


Well-Known Member
Im 99% sure there nanas cos there is some seed too and the reason there been flowering so long is that sort of just stopped. they were all bag seeds
will go in a buy a microscope today... could these be really reveggin? its a possibility because i had somel lighting issues not long back timer didn't go off they got 36hours of light


Well-Known Member
Yer it ain't revegging, not yet anyway!lol! They is male flowers and hermies are very rare, especially with the good genetics these days, mutant plants are rarer but every one says bad genetics.

3 months is a long time but as i see it a strain guide is not when you switch the lights to 12/12 but when they flower, you may be over estimating it by a few weeks if you subtract the time from 12/12 till first flowers show.

More shots of the plants and buds would really help, sick plants take longer to flower for obvious reasons, i see nothing wrong with just 11 hours light and 13 hours darkness at the end of a grow to speed things up a little. Peace


Well-Known Member
well to be honest 3 months was more of a understatement not even joking..... they always have looked healthy i made mistakes alot during the grow waited too long to flower them wasn't feeding correct amount of nutes but still they looked healthy just stunted i dont have a cord for my camera will take some pics later tonight here is the latest one i pulled she was riddled with nanas i picked them of and harvested her
taken with my webcam hahah

im currently still doing 12/12 and feeding them my usual bloom nutes and added heavyweight potash.. anything i can do to get these done? they just wont seem to ripen i ran out of nutes last week for a few days...


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty ripe to me in places! Nice work, quite fluffy buds but swollen and juicy. Give it 11 hours light maybe 10 and shouldnt be more than 3 weeks at tops. The fact that they are swelling must mean the new flowers are slowing or being overtaken by red hairs, cant be long dude.


Well-Known Member
They were switched to 12/12 23rd march ...... still no progress with these hasnt been for two weeks what should i do


Well-Known Member
Ok dude, lots of reasons for a slow ripen. Could be heat but the top white pistils would brown very quickly so you should notice the difference here. The buds look nice and fluffy, reminds me of some weed from years ago. Pick them nanas of but try not to disturb the trichromes (the stuff that gets you high). Some of them buds looks good to harvest, some look like they need a couple of weeks.

Fert issues will cause a slow ripening if there wasn't enough but you would notice the plant shedding leaves as it sucked the nutrients out of them instead.

Heat can cause fluffy slow ripening buds, what are the temps, max and min lights on and off??

If it is a stavia it could be harder or take longer to finish. How much of the calyxs are swollen? These are the things the hairs come out of??


Well-Known Member
I might weight up the good and bad points about harvesting now rather than wait another 4 or so weeks for it to ripen. Think i would ask myself if i would be happy with this early harvest or would rather chance waiting till it is ready. I would look at my bud and ask myself if this was gona get me stoned or not yet. I would probably pick a small bud and wait a week for it to dry whilst giving the plant a final flush. Before harvesting i would smoke that small dried bud i picked and decide on that. If it still needed time i would postpone the harvest and hope a flush helped do this. Just a thought. Peace