Hermie questions


Active Member
OK, I got a hermie. I'm not happy about it, but what are you gonna do. What I would like to know is if Hermies will produced viable seeds (when properly polinated with a male)? I want to get some seeds for storage and if the hermie won't do it, I'll have to use one of my girls.


Active Member
I don't know if there's a difference, but I got one reguardless (mine was probably stress judging by how few nanners there are)


Well-Known Member
seeds off a hermie are top notch! They are also known as "feminized." If you are going to store any seeds for future grows, make it those seeds. If that is your only plant, no worries. However, it WILL pollinate other females around it so be sure to seperate it from the others if you have more.


Active Member
Well which one is it. I want some seeds and I would rather use my hermie rather than one of my girls.

Maybe I'll pollinate the hermie and selectively pollinate only a couple of branches of one of the girls. That way I'll have some data for the future as well.


Well-Known Member
a hermie plant will NOT make only hermi seeds... that's like saying all seeds from a female plant make females. If that was the case there would be no such thing as male plants. Feminized seeds you could buy at a seed bank are treated with chemicals (not sure which specific ones) that in my understanding act in the same manner as hermie seeds. Hermie seeds will give you a higher percentage of female sprouts than normal seeds.