

Well-Known Member
alright anybody have known a girl to be 6 weeks into flowering and show hermie? i don't know i've got 2 chocolate thai that are starting to look tasty and then i found...BALLZ! wtf, really i'm pissed don't know but thought i'd double check with everybody and ask for advice? their flowers are startin to look really nice but now i see balls and don't want to get a ton of seeds or pollinate anything?

+ i have 2 different strains in my closet and i don't want them getting pollinated so fuck.. thx for taking a look tell me everything is ok :wall::wall::wall:

they're just swollen calyxs right? please please please:dunce:



Well-Known Member
oh yea the ones i picked off and squeezed had a clear liquid in em, so i'm thinking not ballz?


Well-Known Member
yea think i probably did stress em so there are some balls, but not so many. but what should i do are they gonna make my entire harvest seedy?

should i pick em out?


Well-Known Member
i had only like three seed off one of my plant.....your lucky its not a true herm....or male...... just choppem.....lol


Well-Known Member
it's clones i got. might be from me changing the light cycle early cause of some missteps. how long until they pollenate the rest of my crop? the buds are lookin amazing i don't want to chop'em


Well-Known Member
you really think it would be better to chop em now this late in the flower cycle? i'm looking at getting possibly an oz off of each, and there aren't that many seeds. wouldn't it be better just to stick it out? or will they start to pollinate and create massive amounts of seeds??


Well-Known Member
just let them be and watch out for more balls...if you see more just snatch them off, if you get seeds then atleast you dont have to worry about ordering any and youll have plenty of good seeds to start the next crop with


Well-Known Member
i've already got a shitload of clones. 6 babies and 6 ready for flower any day, so i want to make sure there's no pollen around my closet at all. guess i'll be picking for the next 30 min or so...


Well-Known Member
alright so after more closely looking i've seen that my blueberry is a major hermie, and she's the one i think that's gotten all the other ladies seedy. so i'm taking her down examining her right now, anything can be salvaged from her/he? its 6 weeks and i don't want to keep it close to my other ladies, so shall i cut it, can i do anything with the flowery parts?


Well-Known Member
ok so hey fdd this is my dilemma. i've got my 2 chocolate thai, just picked out maybe 15 seeds. 2 og diesels. one clean one with like 2 seeds that i can see. and my blueberry 6 weeks in is MAJORLY covered in skinny skinny buds with seeds. so the blueberry is out right now. i guess i'm just gonna chop it and throw it away? is there anything worth saving on it? i have a thread named SKINNY BLUEBERRIES where i was asking if anybody had seen anything like it but didn't get any real answers, now i know it's cause the work was going into making seeds.

so i've got my 4 nice ladies still in the same room. have you ever used one of those sprays that stops the development of male parts on a plant? forget what the one i read about was called. what would you recommend doing about my ladies?

the buds are getting pretty fat on the top colas and i don't want to not see seeds behind em until it's too late and it's pollinated the rest of the flowers. but i don't want to chop 6 weeks into flower ..!

advise? freakin out here, hah


Well-Known Member
nobody differed from that view...

so what do i do now, can i make anything decent come of my total hermie blueberry? will the hash suck? its 6 weeks into flower, i'v got it separated and it's not gonna see very much light from now on, maybe 3 hours direct sunlight, max. can i give it a week and chop it for hash? i don't want pollen anywhere around...


Well-Known Member
look if it was me i would let it grow ,dry and cure it and put it away for a day you have none.
it will still be an ok smoke and better than nothing.
i have some vaccy packed and in the freezer for just such an occasion ...:-)


Well-Known Member
Those are calyxes, sb. The first pic isn't in focus, but the other pix I only see swollen calyxes.

Edit: read the rest of the thread. :roll: Never mind me.