

Ok I have an afghan kush that is in her 5th week of flowering and last night after feeding I was examining the plants and I think I may have found what I believe to be the start of seed bract formation on her buds, but I'm not positive, I saw no bananas on her or any other plants. I just don't know if it's her calyx swelling and I'm freaking out or if I'm right and she is hermie???? I took her out of my bud room just to be safe, but I wanted to be sure this is what it is. How the hell can I tell if it's the calyx or a seed pod forming???? I know you wanna see a pic, well... it's dark right now I can't. I have looked and looked and can't find anything that looks like this!!!! Not much info about hermie or I'm just not looking in the right place.


so I"m suppose to find a little hard seed thing??? They just look like the start of where seeds are going to maybe start... what will I find????


Well-Known Member
so I"m suppose to find a little hard seed thing??? They just look like the start of where seeds are going to maybe start... what will I find????
If the flower was pollinated the calyx will contain a seed, if not the calyx will be empty.

A swollen calyx looks like it contains a seed, but many times when pollinated it cracks open just enough to see the seed in there so there's no guesswork. If you want to know for sure, open it up.


Active Member
Calyx swelling is a normal part of the process. If you don't see any pollen sacks or bananas, then you are probably good. If you don't want to cut up your plant, take a pic and we will tell you what it is.


Well-Known Member
Calyx swelling is a normal part of the process. If you don't see any pollen sacks or bananas, then you are probably good. If you don't want to cut up your plant, take a pic and we will tell you what it is.
That's like me taking a picture of my wallet and you telling me how much money I have in there.

If MsApple doesn't know if she has seeds, you think she's going to know what bananas and pollen sacks look like?

Even so, experienced growers still don't always find the random male flower(s) that might appear, even when you know it's there somewhere.

Pinching open a calyx is not a big deal if she's that curious about it.

Whatever, good luck!


Active Member
That's like me taking a picture of my wallet and you telling me how much money I have in there.

If MsApple doesn't know if she has seeds, you think she's going to know what bananas and pollen sacks look like?

Even so, experienced growers still don't always find the random male flower(s) that might appear, even when you know it's there somewhere.

Pinching open a calyx is not a big deal if she's that curious about it.

Whatever, good luck!
I'm trying to help someone who asked for it. Why be a jackass?


Dude...come on... seriously, I mean thanks to those who are helping I appreciate it, not all of us are connoisseur's, I mean why even post then? Isn't that what this shit is for??? People communicating, people asking questions, people learning from other people. They're not full blown seeds, I want to know if this is formation of a seed bract.... maybe no one can tell me, maybe just maybe someone out there has seen it and knows, I'm learning, I thought that's how people learn???? HMMMM..... cuz I've never seen this and if I have then I overlooked it and maybe I'm paranoid.... but, I have alot of beautiful ladies I'd like to stay females.... and I don't want Chiquita bananas hanging all over them and seeds popping out everywhere. So, thank you to those who just like to spread their knowledge and help out little Msapple



No it is totally pitch black can't even see your hand in front of your face. Do you think it's gonna be a big nasty seed pod?


Doesn't look like the he/she pods that i saw on my plant recently. Pick one off and look inside. That's what i did, green looking banana's is what i found!!! Now I check under the rest of my plants skirts everyday!!