

Well-Known Member
one of my girls has a few little nodules growing around the female pre flowers.

the other plants dont have them, did she hermie?



Well-Known Member
hermie then, dammit! it has more pistills all over the top growths and half way down the other balls are bigger.

might take it to my mates so he can have it in the back yard and play with it before he grows his own, at least he'll get something out of it.


Active Member
Looks like male nuts to me .... if it is grown from high end seeds have u considered putting it somewhere else and taking it to mature seeds?


Well-Known Member
I have but from what I gather hermie seeds are generally hermie themselves.

I might pollenate one of my other ladies brances though, will that cause the whole plant to seed or just that branch?


Well-Known Member
if you have got the time pull them off unless you have other females growing in the same area, you can still bud the plant out


Active Member
u should look into it further......I'm not sure but I thought that I had read somewhere that the hermie seeds are like feminized seeds


Well-Known Member
best to remove the plant from the other females, or all of your buds will be full of seeds.

if you wish to pollenate just one branch, then flower the plant elsewhere, collect the pollen and apply to the pistils on the selected branch with a paintbrush.

Can store the pollen in the fridge.


Active Member
the hermie seeds will mostly carry the hermie trait ,but pollentating a female with hermie pollen produces females seeds from what i have read


Well-Known Member
well I pulled aload off this morning but whislt doing it I noticed 2 or 3 of them had opened.

I moved it out but the ladies have more than likely got a bit of pollen.

Not too bad though, I'll have lots of lady seeds for my next grow.