

Hey guys, this is just my second grow and I'm still a pretty big noob. This is day 18 since I flipped the plants to 12/12 and I'm pretty sure one of my plants is a hermaphrodite. I'm growing using feminized seeds but I know things can happen. Can you guys confirm that it is a hermie and let me know what to do with it? I plan on moving it out of the grow room but should I keep it alive? Will it produce any smokeable bud? I was also reading that it can produce female seeds, is this true? Any feedback would be awesome, thanks guys.

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Well-Known Member
Yes Sir,
That is a hermie. Take it out and save it you are correct. The weed wont be as great had it not turned but it will get you high no doubt. As for the seeds it makes I don't believe that they will be femmed hey should be more like regular seeds. I don't buy the "hermie plant hermie offspring" thing. As you said, "one of your plants" you got another so don't sweat it.


Well-Known Member
It will produce smokeable bud your second photo def looks hermie to me they could even be sterile flower and u could get nice buds if u do keep it be very careful not to take pollen into ur other girls and u could allways turn it into bubble hash such a pitty looks like such a bushy plant and genetic wise it didnt turn hermie it a natural hermie it was allways goig to be a hermie so it must have male genes to get fem seeds u need turn a 100% girl hermie with stress or chems and pollinate a girl with a girl to get a girl lol tounge twister
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Well-Known Member
If its just a spot here or there Pluck that stuff off... keep an eye on it in case more start growing out, or if everywhere 86 it ...or not.

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