Hermie ??


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

Buds from this plant look weird af. I did have some temp.issues but other plants look good.
So is possible stress and Hermie ? Buds feel weird when squeezed.

They still have few weeks to be done tho.
Thank you.


Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Would need more pics of the plants...more specifically, of where the stem meets the bud. Pollen sacks usually form in those areas, as well as on the buds themselves although they aren't always easy to spot when on the buds themselves.


Well-Known Member
Looks weird and buds look weird....kinda empty, and like bones.lol They are not done yet, but it looks like they are behind others. (even the same strain).


Well-Known Member
Looks weird and buds look weird....kinda empty, and like bones.lol They are not done yet, but it looks like they are behind others. (even the same strain).
Well there's nothing indicating a hermie to me.

Imvho, you likely have a ph or overfeeding issue going on.

Just do the rounds. Check it all over, ph, ppm etc. Might be a lighter feeder than the others.
Phenotypes in the same strain can still vary.

Have a little patience too. The bud should fill out given time.


Well-Known Member
My two cents; stay your course.

Your pictures look good; albeit the red / purple petioles may suggest a slight deficiency, they may also be strain dependent; it's not something I would chase, unless it's bleeding over into your stems.

Since you haven't elaborated on your feed program or your pH inputs, I find it extremely difficult to suggest you have an issue with either. Nothing in your picks would suggest you're that far off the mark, if you're off it at all.

Be patient with your plant's flower development; she'll bulk up and dense up over the next weeks, especially if you have a few more to go yet. You're in pretty good shape...don't sweat it.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Hi deivi,

Apologies if it seemed like i was nit picking. You seemed concerned for the way it looked.

I'll be honest, it does look like something isn't quite optimal to me.
Just the general slouching of the leaves. Whenever this has happened to myself, it's been because ph was slightly out, or i had overnuted.
Still a ways to go, if you start seeing yellowing and the leaves start feeling dry, then i'd consider it a possibility.

More important than anything, just take things slow. Don't overload it with lots of changes at once.
Be patient your colas will come.