Hermies or females?

Male, female, Hermie or nanner

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Back in the day we used a album covers to sift through the weed to get seeds out of the ground up weed.
Yes I can actually remember doing this myself, think my dad showed me, penny didn't drop because we only ever did it with African... Thank you for the blast from the past
So quick update....n. Firstly sorry for the newbie questions... But 1 of the 2 plants that were grown from bag seed, and that we all thought were Hermies, seems to have continued to flower? So my question is 1. How long do pre flowers stick around? 2. Could this maybe be an auto which will just continue to flower now? There are also no more signs of "balls" after removing the ones seen in the original pics... any advice would be greatly received... Thank you

I should add that being outside the light is currently 14/10



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1 week on after more rain and a few thunderstorms... She is still hanging in there... Are these swollen calyxs normal so early on? Sorry I know another rookie Q but...

Thanks x


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The only calyxes that are really swollen are the old single ones at the nodes. They will probably finish a little faster because they've been pollinated. Please, whatever you do, DO NOT propagate any seeds you get, they will more than likely be hermies or, at a minumum, carry the hermie trait. It just weakens the overall gene pool should these get in "circulation".
Thank you, point taken about propogating the seeds....So you are saying that it is still showing signs of Hermie?
There are also no more signs of "balls" after removing the ones seen in the original pics... any advice would be greatly received... Thank you
Hormones are powerful things. You must have done a thorough job removing all pollen sacs. By removing the highest concentration of male hormones your plant is now lacking the signal to display male traits.
I'm dealing with my first hermie now as well.
Google tells me that introducing estrogen into the environment will help promote your female sexual development while repressing the male. One way to do this is to put ripened bananas or mangos under your canopy. Most of the RIU community has told me my Google research is bs but I'm gonna give it a try tonight unless a experience cultivator tells me it's a big mistake
Well we know that banana skins are high in potassium, but Im intrigued about the mango... Got one lurking on the side in the kitchen, it could well go missing lol
1 week on after more rain and a few thunderstorms... She is still hanging in there... Are these swollen calyxs normal so early on? Sorry I know another rookie Q but...

Thanks x
That plant is starting to reveg, so flower is done with until light hours decrease again. You would've either needed to wait to put it outside, or you would've needed to add supplemental lighting when you put it out.
It was on 14/10 matching daylight hours before it went out, and still is... it started flowering before it went outside, at the time I thought it was pre flower, but 3 weeks later it's still going, unfortunately it wasn't an option to keep inside longer
It was on 14/10 matching daylight hours before it went out, and still is... it started flowering before it went outside, at the time I thought it was pre flower, but 3 weeks later it's still going, unfortunately it wasn't an option to keep inside longer
Either way, its going back into veg so until light hours decrease again, flowering is done.
Around August is when stuff starts flowering for me.
You've got like 8 more weeks of veg time now.
Like most topics surrounding growing I am in knowledgeable regarding. re veg... is there some maintenance or anything I need to do to make sure she's ready in August? I can't allow her to get to tall, thank you x
Hermie. Your first two pics show staminate primordia (male pollen producers aka balls) in the nodes. Your other pics show pistils which means your plant has both male and female genetics expressing themselves on the same plant at the same time.

This looks a lot like monoecious (single sex) hemp rather than dioecious (two sexes) cannabis grown for medicinal/recreational purposes.