Hermies or no hermies?


New Member
Hi all.

I'm really new at this marijuana growing, and still having problems on sexing part.
I really need suggestions on deciding whether it's a girl or a hermies.
And I also have no idea what strain it is, other than it's sativa.

Appreciate the help :D

IMG_7920.JPG IMG_7911.JPG IMG_7916.JPG


New Member
Yeah i would, thats pretty funky. Best wishes!
Thanks! :D

And I just found out about these two plants. What do you think? Are these hermies too?
I just dont want to eliminate the wrong ones :(

Plant 1a.JPG Plant 1b.JPG Plant 1c.JPG

Plant 2a.JPG Plant 2b.JPG Plant 2c.JPG Plant 2d.JPG


Well-Known Member
not sure if they are hermie's or not, but they both appear to have male pods


Well-Known Member
They just look like males to me chief by this point I think you would see some white hairs if the little spore pods are that far along.


Well-Known Member
Balls all balls destroy destroy !.... Unless those 3 plants is all you have... Then keep them ha
How many other plants do you have ? If you have any other ones that aren't corrupted yet need to separate them immediatley and keep eye on them.
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New Member
not sure if they are hermie's or not, but they both appear to have male pods
They just look like males to me chief by this point I think you would see some white hairs if the little spore pods are that far along.
Balls all balls destroy destroy !.... Unless those 3 plants is all you have... Then keep them ha
How many other plants do you have ? If you have any other ones that aren't corrupted yet need to separate them immediatley and keep eye on them.
Not my luck then. Gonna chop em all :( Currently im pretty sure that the rest are females, but will keep my eyes on them.
Thanks for all the responses. Appreciate it! :D


New Member
What the heck happened?

Id be looking into why each plant you set there does that. Environmental factors?
Now I'm starting to wonder about the same thing, especially since I had discover a new hermie plant just today. (Will post the photo soon)
I'm growing outdoor, in a 25-30 deg (celcius) environment. I'm not familiar with the light cycles, but since im growing outdoor, im pretty sure it wont be a problem.


Well-Known Member
Rough, I actually made a makeshift hermi room in my basement I've only had a few but once they show I throw them in there to finish out the flower and just made budder or ISO with them.. I also throw my desirable males in there to collect the pollen at a later day.. Trying to start chucking


New Member
Here's the update :)

I just need to re-convince myself that these are females. I definitely see pistils all over it, but I found few balls that i'm not sure whether they'll produce pistils or they're just balls :(

Really need your opinion on this.


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