Hermies =/


Active Member
So I've come to the realization I have a hermes. I got what looks like flowers and little seeds coming... month and a half down the drain... but anyway. Will the hermes help me at all getting closer to getting a female? The seeds will be hermies or female correct? I'm just using bagseed, so whatever I can do to help my chances of getting a female, please help.


Well-Known Member
grow them out....you can try to weed out the hermie traits by treating the next seeds you plant really good....baby them and make sure everything is perfect and your odds go way up...


Well-Known Member
your plants could have come from a hermie plant.
they say from a hermie 50/50 females and hermies."from there seeds."
your plants could have come from the 50% hermie, and if so, 100% of your seeds could be hermie.
i would buy some more seed, its such a pain in the ass, when you have hermies, and a hermie will send all your females hermie too.
any pics of your plants?.
sorry to hear your having probs.


Well-Known Member
Nice, thanks. I also heard something before that if you just pick the seeds off and can stay female? That bs?
all depends how many seeds are on the plant, and if it was hermie from seed, if so, you would have no plant left, every bud site would be full of seed.
under every flower, is they a tear like sac, and after you pull it off, is they a small green unformed seed?.
i had to get rid of my last 11 6 week old plants due to this.
now i try to stay away from bagseed and fem seeds, cos of this.
most dealers cut hermies down 3 week early, so the seed doesnt consume the plant, but you must flush, or the job will be fucked.


Active Member
I cant get the focus close enough with my digi =/ my plant is in my gallery though. But its definitely flowering, and on a couple nodes it looks like very tiny balls starting to form, very tiny. I could just be jumping the gun, but I used bagseed, soo.... I'm assuming the worst. But at least if its hermies I can use the seeds and do my best. Made all the dumb mistakes on this grow anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and when will I know when the seeds can be used from the hermies plant?
i wouldnt use the seeds, half hermie and half female.
its really hard to tell the hermies from the females, untill its to late.
hermies from seed, are really hard to tell.
i would just start a freash after you have finished your grow.
do you have a timer?,.


Well-Known Member
are you sure your plant is hermie and not male?.
also what lights you using?
use marco mode on your camera, or the flower symbol, thats whats best for taking plant pics.
what meg is your camera?.


Active Member
It was my first grow and I made a lot of mistakes before I got my setup all set. It got burned from bieng too close to the hps at first, thats why i got the fluoros and such. I had only the 400w hps at first to start and now have a closet full of stuff to make my next grow 100x better.


Well-Known Member
yes man it all takes time, and id say the 1st year is all learning.
i have always been a keen gardener, but when it came to growing ganja, i had no clue.
i have been growing 1 year now, and im still fucking up.
all we can do is keep trying and learn from our mistakes, as we go.
dont worry prob. half the weed you buy is hermie anyway.


Well-Known Member
but if i was you i would get some new reg seeds, and start vegging, some more babys.
a freash start.
you could start to vegg some more while you grow the hermies out, and when there finished, you can goto 12/12 with the plants youve been vegging, so its not too long inbertween grows.
in your growspace, with that light, you could grow 6 plants.


Well-Known Member
heres a close up.
is that the latest pic of your plant?.
you should be able to take a better pic with the camera you have.
stand back a little when you take the pics, and use your close up, more.
also is they a marco/flower symbol on your camera, if so use it, that is for taking plant pics.
also do you have a timer?.
and what is your food sced, and what are you feeding?.