Hey all! A few questions!


Active Member
First and foremost.. I have been reading this site for awhile, actually about 4 hours of just absorbing information just tonight.. Well i finally desided to come out of the dark and join the community.. so HI! :spew:

From today on i decided I'm going to spend about a month gathering information about my first grow so i can make this a very successful first outing.

Few questions as follows:

What strains are great for beginners? Now im not doing this for money.. so a fast yield isn't necessarily the most essential.. two things here i've heard from research.. top44.. and ak47 are both great for beginners????
(after thought.. 10 seeds for 100 dollars.. geez can they promise a grow out of that :)

Im going to make my system work in my closet.. im thinking about 4 foot length.. 2 foot depth.. 4 foot height.. will that work for 7 plants.. even during the flowering process?? im scared of it getting crowded..

Lighting to me seems to be one of the most important factors.. anyone have any ideas for what lighting to go with this small area.. im thinking two 400.. or one 600 watt.. advice would be great..

Co2! a breath of fresh air! well for plants.. how serious should i be about this as a beginner? i hear it maximizes growth.. and sense the closet will be ventilated but not that ventilated i think it should be something im serious about..

thanks guys for taking the time to read my questions.. any insight, tips, or extra resources to look into would be great!!!! looking forward to meeting you all!


Well-Known Member
Hi , i have read what you plan to do and thought i would give my opinion,firstly from personal experiance your grow room i way too small for seven plants especially ak47 as the last lot i grew got to about 5 foot tall not including the pot,secondly i think a 400w light would be enough and you will still probably have to contend with heat issues
i would put about 3 plants in there under a 400w light(cooled if possible) with a ciculating fan(desktop fan or similar)and some intake and exhaust fans as well,i wouldnt bother worrying about extra co2 just yet concentrate on just growing and watching and you will pick up on how to tell the plants needs as you go along.
You dont say if they will be hydro or soil or what and what nutes you going to use? these can have a big effect on how you get on.
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
1. east first plants i find easy to grow are sk#1 and euphoria.
2. i think a 600hps will be good to start.
3. just get started and then worry about co2, all you really need for a closet if a fan blowing outwards, inbetween the top of the plants and lite. if you can, dont do to muck at once first, see if you like growing and dont waste loads of money, just in case you dont like growing, or have to stop, i find try to keep it as cheap, as you can to start, and if you like growing, add more better things to your grow, as you get more est.


Active Member
Hi , i have read what you plan to do and thought i would give my opinion,firstly from personal experiance your grow room i way too small for seven plants especially ak47 as the last lot i grew got to about 5 foot tall not including the pot,secondly i think a 400w light would be enough and you will still probably have to contend with heat issues
i would put about 3 plants in there under a 400w light(cooled if possible) with a ciculating fan(desktop fan or similar)and some intake and exhaust fans as well,i wouldnt bother worrying about extra co2 just yet concentrate on just growing and watching and you will pick up on how to tell the plants needs as you go along.
You dont say if they will be hydro or soil or what and what nutes you going to use? these can have a big effect on how you get on.
hope this helps

im looking to do it in soil.. start it in a small cup then move to a gallon..

thank you for the responses.. any more input would be great