HEY ALL YOU MORNING PEOPLE...will you read this please?


Well-Known Member
I wake up every morning looking forward to the day.I then eat 5 or 6 Valiums after smoking 2 or 3 bowls.By 10 am I am wide dam open . How ever by 12 or 1 pm I'm ready for a nap. Then about 3 pm I start again.I also have many other things I add to the cocktail of mine blowing experiences I have each an every day.Now what was the question?


Well-Known Member
I used to have a job that required allot of travel. Get up at 3am, drive a few hours work hard for 8 and drive back. I could open my eyes be dressed and be on the road in 15 minutes. If I had a wheel man I could keep a convo if I had to. I had to train my mind to do this, and I got better at it. I would go to sleep thinking about waking feeling rested. It worked more times than not. In full disclosure I have had extensive experience as a red eye jedi prior to this endeavor in life. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
...The problem is if I go to bed early I feel like I'm wasting my night. If I wake up late I feel like I'm wasting my day. I think I need to get into a 12-8 schedule. But.. AHHH WHY MUST HUMANS NEED SLEEP.

Anyways melatonin lengthens your REM cycle. Take it before bed. If I got to get up early I don't even think. I just hop out of bed.
Heres the obvious tips:
1) Get 8 hours
2) Take melatonin
3) Drink coffee
4) Take a shower

When I used to take ADD meds, Id set my alarm for 45 minutes before I had to get up, eat my pill. Then Id be forced awake at least in 45 minutes. Half the time I wouldn't be able to sleep right after taking the pill.
Same with coffee. Just get those star bucks coffee's or something, you know the glass ones. Keep them next to your bed, wake up, CHUG. You cant taste shit in the morning so who cares if its cold or not. Using soda works too. Getting up will be much easier. Go take a shower, go eat breakfast, go smoke a cigarette.. Awakeness my brotha.


Well-Known Member
I've never been a morning person, I am a night owl, but most mornings I wake up and just throw myself out of bed ready for the day. The only time I ever feel groggy or angry in the morning is if I didn't sleep well. I have come to the conclusion that no matter if you are a night person or a morning person, whenever you wake up in the morning and tell yourself it's going to be a good day, it usually is. I think it's more psychological than anything else. If you wake up and basically tell yourself, "GAH, I don't wont to wake up" type of stuff then you are bound to be aggravated cause you didn't want to get up in the first place. It also fits into reason that if you have a dead end job or something that you have to go to that you hate, then you are more than likely going to have a bad morning.

Have you noticed that in the middle of the day when you have been up for a bit and everything seems to be going well, and you have talked to a friend and had a decent little laugh, all that aggravation from the morning disappears. All up until you get ready to get off of work that you can't stand and you suddenly feel tired again. It's all mainly psychological. Just wake up everyday like it was on purpose and live life to the fullest and your mornings should feel better. Or make a change for the better.

Take for example: On my days off of school, especially now, when I get to go hunting I get up at around 3:30am and feel completely ready for the day. Even if I only had an hour of sleep, even if I didn't even sleep and only laid in my bed imagining the deer I may be able to tag that day. It gets me all excited and awake and I am happy to be up, even though I am far from being a morning person.