i dont think they are related trichs and potency you can increase trichs but i dont think you can increase potency it is about 90 % in genetics i think
i have had low trich production and monster bud --and i have had a heavy trich producer that was adv bud
you ever had different hash all diff some strong some tasty some not as strong and they are all trichs and they vary
No one can grow a plant beyond it's genetic limits, in any way, including potency, but even growing the highest quality genetics is a guarantee of potency.
All genetics guarantee is the opportunity for you to grow plants in a way where they will reach their full genetic potential. That's all. Not all that many people achieve that.
When it comes to final results, as in potency, genetics are really only about 50% of the outcome. The other 50% is growing conditions and environment.
It is sort of like a test. For every deficiency you have in your setup, your system, your conditions and environment and care that is a point deducted from your final test score.
People will purchase a strain that let's say claims a level of 20% THC. Under their less than optimal conditions/environment,setup,system and care at the end they will be sitting there telling themselves they are toking 20% THC herb but it might be more like 10% or 12% or 14% in THC.
You said; "i dont think they are related trichs and potency." I hope you did not mean that the way it read because, as I am sure you know, all cannabinoids are created in glandular trichome heads. If the trichomes do not have optimal or near optimal conditions they will not produce the amount/percentages of cannabinoids the strains genetics would otherwise allow them to produce if growing in near optimal or optimal conditions.
No matter what a plant's genetics are they will to a point grow in a way that is based on conditions/environment. If grown in high humidity, well if flowered in high humidity, they will not grow as many trichomes per square inch or per square centimeter or whatever unit of measurement you care to use for an example. In dry arid conditions more trichomes will grow, up to the plants genetic limit. The plant is reacting to it's environment and will do so up to it's genetic limitation.
In conditions of low UV-B lighting THC production, along with resin and general cannabinoid production will be lower than in conditions of high UV-B lighting. Again, the plant is reacting to it's environment and will do so up to it's genetic limitation.
The guarantee that comes with mid or low quality genetics is even if you provide the very best environment and care for your plant(s) the very best results you can possibly achieve will be mid to low grade.
The guarantee that comes with high quality genetics is that if you provide optimal environmental growing conditions and care you can achieve high quality results, but also, if you provide your plant(s) with a poor growing environment you can end up with Roadside Red, Ditch Weed, Ghetto Gold, etc.