Hey Canada, Your Fucked


Active Member
SO a Conservative government is going to get a majority on May 2nd. They have already declared that they will fast track the most oppresive mega bill in the history of the country within 102 days of winning a majority. This mega bill will contain all of the 11 individual, ultra right wing, bills the opposition (opposition= 60 percent of canadians) voted down over the last year or so.
This means mandatory minimum jail terms for 5 plants. You do not stand in front of a judge you go directly to jail.
Even if you have a medical MJ card if you are caught making Bubble Hash you go directly to prison for 1 year, no judge, no trial, just execution.

This is just one aspect of this mega bill. I challenge any Canadian -even a tory lover- (which I confess I used to be one) to read over those 11 bills in detail and say this is what is best for the country. Theres a reason none of those bills got passed, a damned good one, on a basic moral level.

Get ready for a New Canada.


Well-Known Member
Conservatism is a sickness worse than child molestation since it puts the elderly on the streets while it invades foreign countries to save money for war funding.

Well Canada>? What are you going to do?


Active Member
Conservatism is a sickness worse than child molestation since it puts the elderly on the streets while it invades foreign countries to save money for war funding.

Well Canada>? What are you going to do?
Seriously do you think before you open your mouth? Please tell me how conservatism is worse than child molestation you stupid fuck without some liberal generalization. The left talks about hate speech well your comment is the embodiment of it. Let your child get violated and we’ll see if you still feel the same way.


Active Member
Got a link to where this is stated officially?
Not saying that I don't believe you but it would good to see the source of this statement.


Active Member
Sounds like Bud was molested as a child and Liked it:clap:
Yea it’s real funny to make fun of victims of molestation. Do you feel like a big man? It makes no difference if I was molested or not. I think it’s a sick fuck that uses it to make political examples and an even more pathetic loser to enjoy the thought of someone being molested.


Well-Known Member
I added the reason it is worse.

Old people on the streets ...

You know on conservative talk show, I don't remember which one, after Bernie Matoff and the exposing of the ponzi scheme the commentator stated in strong tones and emotional disgust that there was now a crime lower than child molestation; Theft from the Rich that makes them poor.

But hey.. We all smoke so here is a mellow old tune..


Well-Known Member
Yea it’s real funny to make fun of victims of molestation. Do you feel like a big man? It makes no difference if I was molested or not. I think it’s a sick fuck that uses it to make political examples and an even more pathetic loser to enjoy the thought of someone being molested.
I am a survivor of molestation.. Shut up.


Well-Known Member
Seriously do you think before you open your mouth? Please tell me how conservatism is worse than child molestation you stupid fuck without some liberal generalization. The left talks about hate speech well your comment is the embodiment of it. Let your child get violated and we’ll see if you still feel the same way.
lol dam bro i don't agree with that statement as well and it is very ignorant but chillll smoke a J and come at this in a professional way. No need for 5 year old name calling.

Soo umm Ernest your saying that if a "older" couple with years of life experiences get kicked out on the street where they could still survive because of all the knowledge they collected thanks to the years of living they had. Is worse then a helpless child getting molested that had his whole life ahead of him? That is quite Ignorant my friend. And id suggest picking up a psychology book and research just how much effect this has on a child. Side effects such as depression, suicide, murder etc.....

Im really not trying to start anything else as i dont know you in person :) just my .02 thats all


Active Member
Your right man I just find that kind of stuff disgusting and it has no place in a civil discussion. Sometimes I have a knee jerk reaction to that crap.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to disrupt the flow. Please pardon my analogies but they are relavent in a protester kind of way.

Go Canada!

Here is Joni Mitchell singing "I can drink a case of you.. Oh Canada.."



Well-Known Member
Your right man I just find that kind of stuff disgusting and it has no place in a civil discussion. Sometimes I have a knee jerk reaction to that crap.
So you are as big a fool as the rest of us.. And now what.. Give me a big hug and God save Canada.


Well-Known Member
lol dam bro i don't agree with that statement as well and it is very ignorant but chillll smoke a J and come at this in a professional way. No need for 5 year old name calling.

Soo umm Ernest your saying that if a "older" couple with years of life experiences get kicked out on the street where they could still survive because of all the knowledge they collected thanks to the years of living they had. Is worse then a helpless child getting molested that had his whole life ahead of him? That is quite Ignorant my friend. And id suggest picking up a psychology book and research just how much effect this has on a child. Side effects such as depression, suicide, murder etc.....

Im really not trying to start anything else as i dont know you in person :) just my .02 thats all

Off topic is what I am saying..

Go Canucks!


Well-Known Member
Off topic is what I am saying..

Go Canucks!
Yes that might be but if that wasn't posted who knows what this might have escalated into. And i really didn't wanna see another thread filled with bitching and crying is what I am saying :/


Well-Known Member
SO a Conservative government is going to get a majority on May 2nd
Coals use the edit go advanced and change your to you're you are contraction.

Dig the spirit.. Sorry for the off topic-ness..

Post more Coal!


Well-Known Member
Yes that might be but if that wasn't posted who knows what this might have escalated into. And i really didn't wanna see another thread filled with bitching and crying is what I am saying :/
Have faith in your Brother...