hey, don't be selfish!!!


Well-Known Member
The best you will ever have. Do a search, there are a lot of recipes. Just change the oil/butter content to your own special blend. Regular ovens get too hot, too quick and vape some of the thc away, where the slow cook just melds that sticky shit with the chocolate and the fudge and the nuts, on top of some vanilla ice cream with a squirt of whipped cream. Then you add some more melted dark fudge to that, take a good rip, and dive right in. It is nice (sorry,sort of got lost there) The only problem is that you HAVE to use good weed for your butter. Forget leaves, save those for oil. Nice bud is the best, of course, which is why I seldom cook. Just for the holiday's really.
i might try that sounds good


Well-Known Member
Is there a story to go with this? Did they try to kill you as if you were a zombie?
Not really. There is a product outta Denver that is a cannabis infused bath salt. PURE makes it. They do nice stuff; all supercritical CO2 extracted. It is meant to be dissolved into a warm bath. It is marked 30 mg THC but the dosage and web info is pretty nonspecific. I had questions about whether the effect was psychoactive to the bath taker. I brought it up with @doublejj when a topical unguent or salve was being discussed. I noticed that when I brought up the words "bath salts", several other people took notice and, until I rectified the problem, were considering throwing me out on my ass. Even after the explanation I think I was kinda on thin ice.

Yeah. I shouldn't go out in public some days.