Hey everyone guess I should have post here first. Been around a couple years


Been around the forums for a few years now. Never did introduce myself so here it goes. You can call me Jerrdog I'm from CA & a current medical mmj patient. Have been growing on & off for 15 yrs was the first time I ever tried to grow & have been toking for 21 years now. I am not set up to grow at the moment. Anyways I do have some questions I hope to get answerd from fellow cool cab owners ( no luck yet ) & thought this would be a great start. Chiceh I'm hopeing you can maybe help me. thanks again peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Welcome bro.....

You're avatar should say FORD with pride...they've never been fucked, never took a dime.....just sayin'.

Good luck getting rolling again though! I'm a MMJ patient myself, hope you use your sub-forum to get tight with your local growers, they're most likely to help without trolling too bad.


Welcome bro.....

You're avatar should say FORD with pride...they've never been fucked, never took a dime.....just sayin'.

Good luck getting rolling again though! I'm a MMJ patient myself, hope you use your sub-forum to get tight with your local growers, they're most likely to help without trolling too bad.
Hey thanks man & I drive a Ford Ranger so I got nothing against Ford. Fuct was a clothing company & this was some of there work. Anyway see ya on the boards.