Hey Everyone, Some Real Help Would Be Nice!

Me and a buddy are just starting to dabble in growing with hydroponics, starting out I know little to nothing growing hydroponics, could someone please give me some advice on what to look into, I have no idea how to grow hydroponics, and I couldnt find a thread on here that would give me a general outline on growing hydro, if there is one please send the link my way and it would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys!


Active Member
theres lots of free info out there,but you have to read it for yourself then decide on what type of hydro set up you want to go with,ebb and flow nft,dwc,rdwc are all differant ways of growing hydro the choice is yours but do your homework first,there will be startup costs for meters,nutes,and the cost of your setup,depending on what type of system you go with it can get pricey real fast.theres lots of info on here,you tube is another good source of info and internet search is another good luck


Well-Known Member
first what type of hydro system are you running we have different sections for aero, deep water culture, nutrent film tech, top feed, ebb and flow, so what is you rooting subtrate of choice and what nutes do you want to use? or go google basic hydroponics then with that understanding you can surf the noob section leaning from others and at least find out what other questions you want to ask... good luck
Thanks everyone, and I have downloaded and watched Jorge Cervantes grow guide, it was really useful pretty much gave me everything I need to know, and I also watched 3 SeeMoreBuds grow journals so I pretty much got the way of things, btw if anyone would like to get these and dont know where to download them just message me and I'll help ya out