hey guys do i need to trim these


Well-Known Member
While pruning would have probably been a better word choice, I however opted for trim haha. Well I was doing some reading and during veg its important to select the parts of the plant that have been overcast by upper leaves as they are not receiving much light anyways.... now this is according to what i have read is this true or can i just let them be


Well-Known Member
Well I was doing some reading and during veg its important to select the parts of the plant that have been overcast by upper leaves as they are not receiving much light anyways...
that would be for a much larger plant. even then, your plant will shed off the leaves it dont need. i do lollipop my plants (prune the bottom third) but that is quite a bit later in the game. let em do there thing for awhile.

Nyan Rapier

Well-Known Member
If you prune any I'd prune the bottom for of your plant a week or so before flowering. Other than that it taking off some large fan leaves to uncover bud sites is probably okay. It should mostly take care of itself.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for your help guys im running a 24/7 schedule for them and im wondering if im gonna bush them out to much