Hey guys,is it possible that there were 800ug lsd on a regular size blotter?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if that one has actually been banned. I pretty sure no one sells it becasue very few are up for 30 hour trips, especially ones that don't mix so well because 30 hours of tripping is for festivals and that involves mixing.


Well-Known Member
Yea ill say 30hour trips are for festivals..but that's what I want..eating 15-20 hits of L usually leaves me veering towards molly at the end of the weekend just for energy...ill be honest I know dox's reputation and effects,but have never had to worry about getting any as a fake hit of L...I feel I have a reputable source..but I need to do research and obtain some dox so I can partake...its not like I hate tripping or anything. :-D


Active Member
I hear ya there, experimentation even though you have better things for the sake of experience and novelty. I'm in the same mindset generally. Duck, bringing up 5-meo-amt, That is one of the drugs I've wanted to try for awhile for many reasons. The only thing I've heard that's supposed to be bad about that particular drug is the fact that it seems generally taxing on the body. Also, people say it's too long (which as covered previously is an opinion). Aside from that I hear the visuals to be very LSD-like and the body high/general euphoria to be akin to molly.

30 hour candyflip? I think so.


Well-Known Member
Silk Road is chock full of NBoMe's. They outnumber LSD 10 to 1 and are much cheaper. I suspect a lot of it is getting passed off as acid to people who don't know the difference. Some of the blotters had designs which were almost identical to the lsd blotters. If you can taste the hit, you should probably spit.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, there is a fortune in it for dishonest scumbags to sell NBOMes as LSD. You can get them for like $0.20/dose and sell them for $10! Fucking greedy leeches!


Well-Known Member
I'm ok with nbomes as long as you tell me its nbome..I turned an old friend on to 25c after we hadn't seen each other since highschool..the whole night he kept saying 'this is some great acid' and I kept having to correct him,that it was not lsd...but he also doesent have such a discerning psychedelic pallate like most of us :-)


Well-Known Member
From the sounds of it both NBOMes and methylone may have certain advantages over the drugs they're sold as. If you don't go crazy with the redosing methylone is less neurotoxic than MDMA. If... But you shouldn't be paying MDMA prices for it either. And certainly not LSD prices for NBOMes.


Active Member
Without a doubt. And yeah, I've gotten sold a tab and when I put it in my mouth I recognized the taste so fast I spit it back into my hand, told the dude it was an Nbome and that I'm not a person dumb enough to believe anything I'm told like he's used to. Needless to say I got my money back and a couple tabs because he had sold some to a few of my friends as 'cid at street price and I told him I would create some problems if he continued ripping off people I know, or people in general. Sorry, but that's some scumbag shit. There's no need to lie when the market is still there, even if it's a bit smaller. I don't wanna see someone throw like 5 of those in their mouth expecting something completely different and perfectly safe. Not that Nbome is especially bad, but you can od on it it pretty high doses and that's never good.


Well-Known Member
I think of that everytime I eat a ten strip...I know so many people who consume 5 to 10 hits of L at a time when they dose and get scared one day my friend will basically eat 1mg of nbome...its scary..I'm setting up a testing station at interloocken unless its a scary situation..and maybe an r.I.u.greet and meet! I dare any punk to tell me its not a good idea..I guarantee they'll have a pocket fulla fake shit when family hauls their bunking asses outta the show...