Hey guys its been awhile.. Gotta story and a quick question for ya!


Active Member
how's everybody on here doing? havent logged on in over a year! Lol forgot my password for sooo long, then it just pops in my head tonight! Anyways been doing alright, ran into a bit of trouble with the law. Got pulled over for a tail light out, and ended up being arrested for some old tickets I had warrants for. Well I just so happened to have a couple pictures of some gorgeous plants on my phone. He went through my phone and found the pictures. He loved that. Got a bunch of his cops buddies there and was telling me how much he loves putting people like me in prison! Then while im in the jail they refuse my phone call for two days! And they raided my house! Lucky for me my dog loves plants, and wiped out my whole closet just days before this happened! They had a field day though, took all my lights and smoking goodies.. along with about an eigth of trainwreck that I had just bought the day before. I've been on probation ever since and boy does it suck! I've already failed two UA's for thc. I've been smoking all my life.. its so hard to leave alone. Ive been doing good for a few days now though. Hopefully I can do it, because my p.o. promised me another test next month. I only have nine more months to go. I do have a question for you guys though. As an alternative to smoking grass, i've had buddies of mine in the same boat order research chemicals and make their own smoking blends. If any of you kind fellers could point me in the right direction about how I could go about doing that.. I'd really appreciate it. I just want something to fall back on for when its been a long day and I want to unwind. I gave up drinking nine months ago.. So smoking is all I got! Thanks and ya'll have a great day :mrgreen:

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
i been smoking that legal stuff. i have a drug test once a week sometimes every other week. i will be off it in 16 days. the stuff ive smoked is good times, scooby snax, skyscraper and fogged up. its just an alternative to marijuana till i get off papers. its not the same. but it does an alright job just for the head. no body high at all. im not sure how to go about making the chemical.. btw all the legal i smoke is JWH free


Active Member
Yeah Ive been on paper since last december. I've experimented with a bunch of the smoking blends. My favorite was probably some strawberry flight risk. The problem with these blends is that they are more and more becoming less available. Ever since the ban on the first five chemicals alot of stores shut down shop with it. We had like two left.. and thats two towns over. Went yesterday to reup and even they had stopped selling. So its got me in a bit of a pickle! Its actually very simple to make once you get ahold of the right compound. Alot of people like to keep the vendors they use a secret though, which can make finding a reputable vendor a bit of a chore. I've got one that we used when the JWH first came out. That was over a year ago though. I'm interested in JWH-081, RCS-4, JWH-122, and JWH 250. If anybody here has experience with any of these please feel free to share!!


New Member
I smoked 6 grams of various JWH blends, some had 2 mixed in some had only 1 JWH. The second 3 grams I bought, didn't get me high at all. So I went back to weed, bought a half ounce, still didn't get high. Not even my eyes changed, no physical or mental change at all. I had to stop smoking all together for about 3 months while taking flax seed oil, but I just got some weed two days ago and it's great stuff.


New Member
i say just keep smoking fail your test do your time and your free .......fuck probation..........or not


Active Member
If I would have known how shitty probation is I would have done the time. Now if I revoke my probation though, I get the full sentence. Ready for it to be over with.


Well-Known Member
I hate a government that can take one of the most mellow activities in the world and turn into a crime that gets you more time than homicide.