Hey guys looking for a little advice.

So ive been doing pretty well on my own and just stalking many forums looking for advice but now im looking for more detailed advice for my grow. Ive just been kinda throwing things together as i go along so anything you guys can give me would be great.

So the basics that i have:

Homemade 5ft x 3.5ft x 3ft grow tent made of pvc pipe and tarp

36gal(?) rubbermaid tote with a styrofoam board floating on the water with a solo cup as a pot ( room for 2 but i killed one of the first two )

hanging shoplight with 2 300k flouro tubes ( i use a few 560k CFL for vegg )

miracle grow all purp(veg) and bloom booster(flower)

as i said ive been throwing things together and had to do some emergency LST to save the lady from burning herself to death ( i woke up 1 morning to a good smell and her leaves up in the CFL's coils ) so im not expecting to get alot from her but my plan is to harvest what i can and reveg whats left and clone all the branches that dont have much on them.


Active Member
Well some good advice would be to get a better light. Your space can use a 600w hps or MH for flower. It will run you about 250, but you will be on your way to getting 1w per gram. Floro's are only good if you have ALOT really close to the plant. You need better nutes for sure. Miracle grow is not designed for mj cultivation. I'm assuming your using dwc. You should use your rubbermaid for SOG if your light is inadequate. Clone from a mother, and place in the rubbermaid once they have roots. They double or triple is size when they are put under 12/12. Please inlighten us more on your setup.
the lights and nutes are gunna have to do for now ... i will prolly upgrade nutes and invest in PH/PPM meter before i upgrade lights, but cash is an issue. im tryin to save some cash by growing my own supply of medicine. Inside the rubbermaid sitting on the water is a foam board like i said with a solo cup inside(space for 2) inside the cup is miricale grow pearlite. in the water itself is a medium sized airstone with a pump hidden away.

Since this grow is hopefully weeks(4-5?) away from harvest, i know im not getting alot so im going to re-veg this plant for a few weeks after harvest and clone all of the lower branches into dirt and do a SOG if someone could walk me through it. (or maybe put the clones into my DWC setup ... but i would have to retrofit it again.

If anyone can point me into a grow where i can use most of what i have now and keep my cost down that would be great. as i advance in my skills and save myself money i will put more money into my setup like nutes and room and lights.


Active Member
Alright. well...Like I said your gonna need alot of compact floro's or more floro tubes to get anything worth smoking. As far as retro fitting goes, you wont have to do much. Just buy a new lid. for your Bin. I put 6-8 3 1/2 in holes in the lids for my DWC. I can walk you through everything, just add me if you would like. I have no problems helping a new comer!
its got something to smoke on it now that looks like it might amount to like a 1/2oz dried. not alot i know but when you look at it in terms of this is my first grow and i have (knock on wood) made it to the end im super excited. I remember my first experiences long ago with no knowledge of plants where the farthest i got was a sprouting.

So ive been doing alot of thinking about my setup. After this first grow is done im going to harvest what i can and clone 6 of the branches that have lil buds on them into 2 10gal rubbermaids ( http://www.rubbermaid.com/Assets/images/Product/2214-2-rnlogo-xlarge.jpg ) Ive seen alot of totes in other grows with 3 plants in them. Will this 10gal be enough for 3 clones or should i get a bigger one so i wont have to water as much?

now since im destroying my mother that i will be cloning from im thinking that i will have to start all over again after the 6 clones are done because you cant clone a clone right? So im going to have to start thinking about creating another tent to house a new mother.


Well-Known Member
its got something to smoke on it now that looks like it might amount to like a 1/2oz dried. not alot i know but when you look at it in terms of this is my first grow and i have (knock on wood) made it to the end im super excited. I remember my first experiences long ago with no knowledge of plants where the farthest i got was a sprouting.

So ive been doing alot of thinking about my setup. After this first grow is done im going to harvest what i can and clone 6 of the branches that have lil buds on them into 2 10gal rubbermaids ( http://www.rubbermaid.com/Assets/images/Product/2214-2-rnlogo-xlarge.jpg ) Ive seen alot of totes in other grows with 3 plants in them. Will this 10gal be enough for 3 clones or should i get a bigger one so i wont have to water as much?

now since im destroying my mother that i will be cloning from im thinking that i will have to start all over again after the 6 clones are done because you cant clone a clone right? So im going to have to start thinking about creating another tent to house a new mother.
This is false. You can clone a clone. No need for a mother just take your cuttings before you flower them. Good luck to you.


Active Member
I use 18 gallon totes for up to 8 girls. I think 10 will be find with 3. As Longroot stated, you can clone a clone..I know people that clone, wait for them to root and veg enough to clone all again before going in flower.. They repeat this process instead of having a mother(s) plant..
This is false. You can clone a clone. No need for a mother just take your cuttings before you flower them. Good luck to you.

How do you feel about re-vegging? Will it reduce potency/yield of plant(s)? How long should i re-vegg before i cut the clones off, and how much can i take off before the she just dies and i cant take clones?

(side note) i will only be taking the upper main stem and 2-3 side shoots off as they are the only ones that have grown decently. The vast ammount of other side shoots will be sifted through and i will take the best ones out for cloning ..... also can(not should) i use pearlite as a medium for rooting for clones .... i use it in the dwc cups but i just wanna be sure.


Active Member
dude, just get some CFLs and add to what ya got. itll run ya about $1- for a 4 pack of 26watters and if u have some old laps or sockets. u just need more light not necessarly dropping $250, when just $25 of CFLs wud help a great deal. without and extra lighting those buds are gunna be stringy and loose.


Active Member
I have never used strictly perlite for dwc purpose's, or using it to clone with in hydroponics. I think you'll be fine tho, roots only need moisture and humidity to sprout. Reveg will not reduce the potency. You are simply reveging to grow new branches, to take as clones. I use a dwc bubbler for rooting clones, I simply take the stem and let it stick out the bottom about 1/8-1/4 in. I get roots in 10 days, and within 14 days, they roots are a couple inches long. The size of your clone depends on you, I usally wait till they are about 6 in.