Hey guys, my seedling is about 10 days old and isn't an inch tall yet


Hey guys, my seedling is about 10 days old and isn't an inch tall yet, it has 2 sets of baby spiked leaves, and the 2 round baby leaves, all leaves are around half inch, same as the height, and are drooping downward with a slight yellow/brown tint at the tips

The 1 of 2 now died by my own mistake of keeping rockwool too compact, but the other's conditions seem to be fine, check out my signature
I really need some help ASAP before my last seed dies.

Aerogarden, in a 2'x1' box, 4' tall, lined with mylar, the base of the aerogarden is lined with reflective tape to keep light and heat getting into the res, my last 2 plants, who actually grew out of sproutlings died from rootrot, also now have an external air pump connected to an airstone on the inside. Oh yeah, and the hood is as low as it can go right now

Temp stays around 23-29 celcius, if the humidity goes below 45% i mist the box and area with the pump till the reader says it's 55% humidity.

Also when I mist the box, the mylar get's this sort of powdery mildew on it, which I just wiped off.

Check out my signature, I really need help


Well-Known Member
Stop overwatering the rw cube(try to water to 50% wet and let it dry), get rid of the dome cover, stop misting, put a light fan on them and lower the fluro. Do this once the the seed sprouts and you will stop wasting your money bro.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, yellowing and browning on the tips of the leaves? I'm guessing that your babies aren't able to breathe! Take off the hood, the only reason you would want the severe humidity is if you were dealing with CLONES, and the containing of the humidity is to help the root growth develop by keeping them constantly moist. I'd say that your seedlings just need some good air right now. Also, if you want them to start stretching a little taller so that more growth will form, try putting your light (whatever kind may it be a cfl or a metal halide) a little FARTHER away from the seedlings. This will make them reach up toward the light a little and start the vegatative growth spurt. Hope this works for ya brotha. Simple but yet effective solution.


Thanks everyone, I knew I would need a fan!! Fresh air does seem like it may be important, I suppose I should dry out the rockwool abit too.


Alright, i'm borrowing a fan untill I can order my own, I myself can already feel the plant is happy.
I also got residual moisture out of the rockwool and pulled her up about an inch, as I noticed her root was coming out of the rockwool (good to know it actually has been doing something)

Thanks, I think this thread has been dealt with quite nicely