Hey guys - new grower... Any advise on how long?? :)


Active Member
Check the trichs...Also it looks like they had a bit of heat stress...Hard to tell, but it looks like the edges of the leaves are curled upward...Could be just me....But get a loupe and check the triches...I wait till those are coudy....Until then its not ready in my opinion..


Well-Known Member
OP you've gotten some good advice. I don't pay any attention to the flower time the breeders say my self I go only by the trichomes my self because of breeders times be inaccurate or variances unaccounted for can change flower time. Also imo different strains are finished when there trichomes are in different stages. If you play around with milky/milky leaning towards amber with the same strain you'll find a good spot for that strain. But in general milk is good.

And my spelling sucks.