Hey guys rookie again


I'm in the beginning of 5th week of flower and I need help.
Can anyone knows if my my buds are getting bigger of that and why the lower buds don't get bigger? Because my light full em all as I see. (250hps)
I only feed em big bud from the week 2. It's OK to continue?
Photoperiods: amnesia lemon,biscotti mintz,mimosa evo.
Prune everything below the scrog. That’s a dark cave down there. Also I’m not sure if you can still monstercrop, but those plants are way too tall.
Look into training your next crop to properly make use of your scrog. You need to break the apical dominance of your primary bud sites and maintain an even canopy in the future, that way, all of your buds will be equally distant from your light source, which creates consistent size across your buds.
Οκ guys.but what about with the "not prune a lot" on flowering period?
I did a Supercrop about 2 weeks ago on the tallest and I'm afraid to prune too because I don't wanna hurt the yield. (Amnesia lemon)
Is that a problem?
How % can I prune everyday?