Hey Hey

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No deception here. And im still wondering what you are referring to? I made no claims to be the next Tony Montana. I have been testing a single strain for 2 years. Obviously i'm very small batch. And if anything, this little tirade will help me make a little extra christmas money. not hurt it. Only thing lost is your stocking stuffer.
The way you are coming on to sites and the first thing you post is about the strains you and collective are running(no problem)followed by pics of seeds and merchandise with your strain crosses names like you're offering and selling.. and dont play like oops i didnt know,, when other sites called you out earlier today. You no what you were doing..
And just so you know i am not hating on what you're doing.. just how youre doing it..
Ill leave you be now.. just so you know this is a good site with great people .. and again im sorry if i seem like an asshole.. there is legit breeders here who advertize legitly and in away you are attempting to step on toes so to speak..
Happy holidaze..

No need to apologise to this "user".

He's working the community forums for free advertising, and professing innocence, and playing the victim card.

He knows exactly what he is doing.
I know what hes doing..lol.. i said almost exactly the same thing as you.. he's not fulling anyone.. just no one has reported him, if so im sure a mod would of talked to him by now or banned him..

Edit: fooling* i was stoned last night..lol
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Interesting reference to Tony Montana
The guy who ran the “Pot Pimp”
seed swindle site back in 2010 always referenced Tony
He also liked to refer to his work as breeding and most viewed it as chucking
Just saying
I’m over feeling guilty so the victim card just doesn’t cut it
Wow. No swindle sorry. I don’t have a website. Just around 50 packs of one cross. Simple poor farmer I suppose. Not familiar with the atmosphere here, so I’ll just say sorry once again. Those are my only pics I have on this busted laptop. Was hoping to take and share more here. Lotta negativity. So I won’t. Meant no harm and wasn’t attempting to step on toes.

Again, I’ve deleted everything relevant to your group roast. Immediately actually. I’ve apologized for the umpteenth and last time. Considering the level of hate here, and how unknown we must appear, I have no problem leaving and never posting here again. Wasn’t expecting a red carpet.

We didn’t come in here throwing taunts at anyone. Your group hazing won’t affect anything we do here either. Not negatively at least. Not big enough in cookie land to make a real dent anyway.

If there are admins here any more, please feel free to delete my mistaken post in grow journals if needed. Done apologizing now. Have great lives.
They use that tactic to scare off strong ,new playas
Im not trash talking.. just repeating what i heard.. sorry if that bothers ya..
What you are doing is trying to be slick and pedal your wares without having to asked first.. at leasts thats how it seems. I opelagize if i seem trollish.. we get lots of troll/sock accounts here so some new members get the shake down ..

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