Hey Hippy... Got 15 bucks?


Well-Known Member
For Twood. or Tilhay. or your other fave LP.
There is one similar company that includes an 8x11 "eat a bag of dicks" note with the delivery.

People sent these things to them oregon militia guys when they were begging for supplies and snacks.
So they got these. And dildos and the like....
funny shit.


Well-Known Member
If ya can't beat 'em, you might as well join 'em, eh Hippy? How much fun can we have with this...? Think there are enough of us we can overload their email inbox with questions?



  • Licensed Producer Business Plan
    If you are thinking of applying to become a licensed producer under the Marijuana for Medical Purposes
    Regulations for a license to produce marijuana, you need a business plan. Your business plan is an
    essential part of your production license application.

In your license application, you will need to have a plan

  • Location
    Strategically choose a building that meets municipal zoning requirements

  • Security
    Build your facility to Health Canada’s security requirements

  • Cultivation
    Create a sanitation program to ensure quality medication

  • Storage
    Store medical marijuana to ensure the facility meets Health Canada’s storage requirements and maintains product efficacy

  • Human Resources
    Ensure you have the right human resources for the success of your facility

  • Pest Management
    An integrated pest management program will need to be in place to ensure product quality and patient safety.

  • Packaging & Inventory
    Ensure your packaging and inventory control measures meet Health Canada’s requirements.

  • Record Keeping
    Create systems of auditability by Health Canada and Senior Management

  • Sales & Marketing
    Identify patient markets and create specific marketing campaigns to boost sales

  • Quality Assurance
    A quality assurance program needs to be in place to ensure patient safety and product efficacy.
If you want your license application to succeed, look no further! The team at MedicalMarijuana.ca are experts at medical marijuana cultivation and have the support team to ensure your plan is a success. When you're investing a lot of money, you need a business plan. The business plan should help you breakdown your costs, so you know how much it will take to get into the medical marijuana business. A good business plan will also tell you your costs per gram of product, how your business will operate and show you the potential profits from that business.We will work with you to
prepare a professional business plan that works for you.

Call or Email Fonda Betts at 1-877-513-4769 or fonda@medicalmarijuana.ca.
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Well-Known Member
what a haha that would be...we ALL apply for LP licenses (Hippy, you have to do one for the goat too) and that way we'd overload them and the "real" applications would get put off due to the flood.
that would be rich. we could send new ones in each week with new company names. that would really mess them up


Well-Known Member
NO!!! Definitely NOT..

that would put you on the same field :o
where's the control and how are they supposed to make money when that's allowed??? :hump::idea::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
it wasn't for real...
i think it would be fun to send tons of applications to jam them up.
we could send in applications under names like "off the backs meds" "too rich for you" " Waa waa waa" "NoMeds"
that kind of thing. can you imagine the looks on their faces if you submitted with a company name "Lick My Nuts"

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I know some dudes that mailed a dead groundhog back to a part supplier. The supplier was always sending the wrong parts to my buddies. So they plugged a groundhog out behind the shop, boxed it up and send back the ( wrong ) part. Wrong parts hold guys up.
The supplier found it after no one apparently could stand the stink anymore in the warehouse anymore. They had just restocked it back on the shelf for resale. LMFAO