Hey need some expert advice as to not die!

pot scott

Well-Known Member
oh, i just read other ppls replies to the druggies thread, all of them that make taking poisinous substances sound enjoyable need to be kicked out as well. PLZ BAN ALL THERE IP ADDRESSES!


Well-Known Member
What evil unholy demon has possesed u to do such harmful, poisinous life damaging, cruel and unusual horrible treatment of ur mind and soul. ur a complete disrespect to this website and u are dissing bob marley by using his pic and posting this. dont ever disrespect the holy cannabis forum with your crackhead talk. u might as well shoot up heroin and smoke meth. MODERATOR, this person is a disgrace to everyone who smokes the holy herb, PLZ terminate this druggies account!!!!!!!!!

damn dude CHILL!!! first off youre breaking the rules... no personal attacks. and second why dont you take a second look at what page youre in. hallucinatory substances. this is for talk about drugs other than pot. so looks like youre in the wrong place...


Well-Known Member
oh, i just read other ppls replies to the druggies thread, all of them that make taking poisinous substances sound enjoyable need to be kicked out as well. PLZ BAN ALL THERE IP ADDRESSES!
Dude fuck outta here with that. First thing you need to do is change your avatar because that is grow spaces avatar and he is cool and you are not so you need to change it. Second of all look at the forum your in, Hallucinatory SUBSTANCES chat. Don't say people should be banned because some people take their accounts very seriously man. good luck


Well-Known Member
What evil unholy demon has possesed u to do such harmful, poisinous life damaging, cruel and unusual horrible treatment of ur mind and soul. ur a complete disrespect to this website and u are dissing bob marley by using his pic and posting this. dont ever disrespect the holy cannabis forum with your crackhead talk. u might as well shoot up heroin and smoke meth. MODERATOR, this person is a disgrace to everyone who smokes the holy herb, PLZ terminate this druggies account!!!!!!!!!
Listen dickbag. Your not on the bud part of the forums. Thanks kay bye.

Drugs can be used recreationally and doesnt have to be an addiction. How would you possibly know he is a druggie? Oh I forgot weed isnt a drug =P.

pot scott

Well-Known Member
Dude fuck outta here with that. First thing you need to do is change your avatar because that is grow spaces avatar and he is cool and you are not so you need to change it. Second of all look at the forum your in, Hallucinatory SUBSTANCES chat. Don't say people should be banned because some people take their accounts very seriously man. good luck

last i heard, pills weren't hallucinogens, i created my account with this avatar yrs back, just havnt been online all the time, so i prolly had it first to begin with anyway, and anyone who uses anything other than cannabis, shrooms, and salvia should be permanently banned from rollitup:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
last i heard, pills weren't hallucinogens, i created my account with this avatar yrs back, just havnt been online all the time, so i prolly had it first to begin with anyway, and anyone who uses anything other than cannabis, shrooms, and salvia should be permanently banned from rollitup:joint::peace:
well you cant possibly have been here for years. it says right there that you joined last august. so not even one year has passed.

i liked this site better when you werent active.

pot scott

Well-Known Member
Listen dickbag. Your not on the bud part of the forums. Thanks kay bye.

Drugs can be used recreationally and doesnt have to be an addiction. How would you possibly know he is a druggie? Oh I forgot weed isnt a drug =P.

yes, u are correct cannabis is not a drug. I quote a rastafari from cops who the pigs served a cannabis search warrant on, "herb is not a drug, cocaine, heroin, meth, those are drugs, everyone needs herb." :peace:

pot scott

Well-Known Member
well you cant possibly have been here for years. it says right there that you joined last august. so not even one year has passed.

i liked this site better when you werent active.

ok creepy stevie69, jus dont follow my lil brothers and sisters home from school


Well-Known Member
Drugs are drugs are drugs are drugs. Everyone has there own. Some are content with just Marijuana, some like to experiment with others. I personally will never stop smoking weed but wont stop doing Hallucinatory Substances. You'll never know a world better =P.

And your opinions are bias at most.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
What evil unholy demon has possesed u to do such harmful, poisinous life damaging, cruel and unusual horrible treatment of ur mind and soul. ur a complete disrespect to this website and u are dissing bob marley by using his pic and posting this. dont ever disrespect the holy cannabis forum with your crackhead talk. u might as well shoot up heroin and smoke meth. MODERATOR, this person is a disgrace to everyone who smokes the holy herb, PLZ terminate this druggies account!!!!!!!!!
you obviously want the ganja gods to slap you down as you just disrespected the holy one who goes commonly by the name fried at 420!!!!:fire:

pot scott

Well-Known Member
Drugs are drugs are drugs are drugs. Everyone has there own. Some are content with just Marijuana, some like to experiment with others. I personally will never stop smoking weed but wont stop doing Hallucinatory Substances. You'll never know a world better =P.

And your opinions are bias at most.

their not opinions, they're spiritual facts, the extra terrestrials look down upon u

pot scott

Well-Known Member
you obviously want the ganja gods to slap you down as you just disrespected the holy one who goes commonly by the name fried at 420!!!!:fire:
ur definately gonna suffer in last days, but u can still save urself through spiritual healing through the use of cannabis to detox the unholy poisin uve put in ur body:peace:, i have faith in u