Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

I remember one day I was working at a Gas Station when these guys pulled up in a VW Bug,
I asked were they were going and they said Woodstock wanna come with?? I had to decline because I was leaving
for Boot camp in a week. Vietnam here I come, but thats another story...
Oh yes the gas was $.16 cents a Gallon, I dumped the ashtray cleaned the windows checked the oil and air pressure in the tires
and gave Blue Chip stamps, and some times things like silverware that if you came in long enough you would end up with a whole set.
A bag of weed was $10.oo
I had a buddy that worked briefly at a full service gas station back then (as if there were any other kind). And in South Fla you service boats too, so as he's filling up this boat the dude comes out of the store portion of the station & asked him how much it took? Buddy says something like "Fourty and counting" - dude had an 18 gallon tank - my buddy was filling the boat through a rod holder!
He was job hunting the next day.
Wooaa Dude whats that shimmering stuff on the water??

... zombie attack. cn

Should be pretty easy to imagine if you learned about Styrofoam -vs- highly refined petroleum products like I did.

*Teenager* (me) while trying to resurrect some sub 19th century junk car tries to carry a cup of gasoline to the engine being revived.
I made it almost half way there before my cup disappeared into gooo.

And as I recall, the mechanical contraption in question never cooperated with so much as a belch of smoke.

Honestly, this has absolutely nothing to do with the thread - I just love the sound of a Merlin & thought I'd share.

Planted my first seeds in 1971 and smoked a lot of weed for the next eight years.Stopped when my son was born and was out of it for the next 32 years.Back now so I can get off the sleep medication every night.A couple good rips off some good indica and I sleep like a baby.So here I am in my mid 50s growing my own medication.Life,for me, has come full circle in many ways.Below is a pic.of my new sleeping aid,one that god himself decided to grow on this wonderful planet,we call earth.One can only hope that our fat cat politicians,who kick back with their alcohol,get the message some day.


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Planted my first seeds in 1971 and smoked a lot of weed for the next eight years.Stopped when my son was born and was out of it for the next 32 years.Back now so I can get off the sleep medication every night.A couple good rips off some good indica and I sleep like a baby.So here I am in my mid 50s growing my own medication.Life,for me, has come full circle in many ways.Below is a pic.of my new sleeping aid,one that god himself decided to grow on this wonderful planet,we call earth.One can only hope that our fat cat politicians,who kick back with their alcohol,get the message some day.
Yea, I do it for sleep too, usually I drink to sleep, but money is gettin' tight, and at least growing is cheaper than building a still, right?
Alcohol messes with my sleep. Aside from the quality of the actual sleep, when the booze starts wearing off I keep waking up. Doesn't happen with smoke.

The two speakers comment reminded me of what I liked to do in high school. I had a cheap Sears record player/radio in my room, portable, so you could unhook the speakers from the side of the unit and separate them, place them pretty much wherever in the room. When the parents weren't home...or sometimes even when they were....I'd smoke some weed, put a pillow on the floor, and put my head on it with the speakers on each side of the pillow and my head. Just close my eyes and zone to the music.

Jimi Hendrixs Electric Ladyland was my favorite. Aside from the fact he was an amazing player and the music lender itself well to being high, Jimi did a lot with stereo effects, panning his guitar from one speaker to the other that made my head spin!
Who remembers quadrophonic stereos? They had four channels instead of two. Didn't last very long but now we got 6.1 sound systems.

I had a Pioneer Quadrophonic home system in the 70's. There was discrete quadrophonic, where each channel was separated as cleanly as left and right on stereo, and the pseudo surround that wasn't a clean separation. It gave kind of an echo in the rear speakers, kind of like Pro Logic does now
been smokin since 1967. trying to grow my own indoors with CFL's and have had pretty good luck. not like my friends who grow outside but still not bad and clandestine to boot. to many prying neighbors to go outside. 63 in 1 month and hope to be smoking till the end of times.
been smokin since 1967. trying to grow my own indoors with CFL's and have had pretty good luck. not like my friends who grow outside but still not bad and clandestine to boot. to many prying neighbors to go outside. 63 in 1 month and hope to be smoking till the end of times.

Welcome to RIU.