Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

lol, all the time, or a shitload of "strike anywhere" match heads in a Coke bottle?
the strike any where matches from our child hood was soo much better than the matches sold now,, there was so much material on the tip , boredom would cause us to try striking them on just about anything,,, we werent pyro's,, just experamenting
althought i did know one guy in high school who liked to set things on fire,, he went away if you know what i mean,, lol
the strike any where matches from our child hood was soo much better than the matches sold now,, there was so much material on the tip , boredom would cause us to try striking them on just about anything,,, we werent pyro's,, just experamenting
althought i did know one guy in high school who liked to set things on fire,, he went away if you know what i mean,, lol
i recall shooting those out of my Red Ryder, too.
Cracker balls came with wire slingshot. Green fiberglass Ben Pearson kid's bow, new cars in "competition orange ", shooting wads of dirt out of cork guns (at friends), Orange Crush in brown bottle with orange diamond, when Spock smiled, when Purple Haze was a song, colored toilet paper and the gawd awful years of disco!........SIXTYSIX!
Cracker balls came with wire slingshot. Green fiberglass Ben Pearson kid's bow, new cars in "competition orange ", shooting wads of dirt out of cork guns (at friends), Orange Crush in brown bottle with orange diamond, when Spock smiled, when Purple Haze was a song, colored toilet paper and the gawd awful years of disco!........SIXTYSIX!
That's the year I was born lol

... Which makes me 50. What a coincidence!