Well-Known Member
I dont think all from Texas are ignorant blood thirsty fools. Thats like saying all pot heads are dumb good for nothing people. just saying as i am both. I live in texas and smoke. I am sorry, but I have kids, grandkids, and numerous other people and pets that I care very much for. Also I have worked hard all my life for what I have. I have no issues sharing when someone is down on their luck. I have a huge issue with someone trying to steal from me. I do not say i am sorry when i say I will blow someone away for breaking into my house to steal anything, I dont care if it is a penny of my counter in the kitchen. My family and my safety are more important than some fool who thinks he can just do what he wants with us and ours. Now dont get me wrong. I dont believe violence is the answer for eveything but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.