hey whats up i just got a question whats going on with my plant...let me know


Well-Known Member
By looking on the deformed leafs all thru your plant. I would say you plant is revegging. Probably started to bud. Now it is trying to go back to veg growth. when you see single leafs like that with no edges is a good sign of a revegging plant. Or you got one hell of a mutant.

What region are you in?

Also cut that grass back some. It taking food from your plants,


Well-Known Member
Also it will take about 2 weeks before you start seeing normal leafs again. Your plant is confused. Search threads with early budding in title.


Active Member
It is in a re-veggin state, it will form correct looking leaves if given time. What did you do root a bud tip and then after it grew a little plant it outside?