
:evil: Ok i just started these NL autos and im about 4 days in. i got these lil nat fuckers in my grow cabinet.. i guess they wer in my soil. i gota fresh bag of miracle grow so idk. i only see about 2 or three in there and i kill the bastards but even after i squash the muther fuckers the next day i get a couple more.. the question is are they gunna fuck my shit up are are they just suckin the moisture out of my soil? and is there a way to kill these bitches without killin my plants? PLEASE GIVE ME SOME INSIGHT :evil:


Well-Known Member
Honestly, get rid of that soil. Dont get MG soil next time, transplant your autos and hope for the best. There are chemicals that will kill the gnats but switch soils.
damn i was afraid of that... i hate transplantin. you think theyll be ok to transplant, being so small? theyr only 4 days tall.. bout an inch or so
you gotta do it and hope for the best but go to a grow store or order off line there are thing you need in the soil. (ex. worm castings) look up Just Right Xtra its good!


Well-Known Member
they MIGHT just be fungas gnats. very common. typically a healthy plant won't be bothered by them. but they are annoying as hell! i have them in my grow now. i guess the problem is making sure they are fungas gnats and not something more damaging. personally i just put out lots of sticky traps (tanglefoot white fly traps or something similar.) that seems to help. they also like wet soil and wet containers under your plants - like always don't over water and make sure the pots are not standing in water. if they are indeed fungas gnats you'll probably be OK but your grow is new and small so they might be more damaging now. i like to go organic so i don't spray any chemicals. i don't know if neem oil works on gnats or not.

everybody pretty much agrees to stay away from MG soil. however, i'm sure there's a ton of good pot plants grown in it and plain old tap water. personally i use fox farm ocean forest but this time around i mixed it with ROOTS potting soil and i got gnats. but it might not have anything to do with the soil. if you have house plants they might have come from there. and don't forget it's spring time, bugs can fly in from outside too.

good luck!

:evil: Ok i just started these NL autos and im about 4 days in. i got these lil nat fuckers in my grow cabinet.. i guess they wer in my soil. i gota fresh bag of miracle grow so idk. i only see about 2 or three in there and i kill the bastards but even after i squash the muther fuckers the next day i get a couple more.. the question is are they gunna fuck my shit up are are they just suckin the moisture out of my soil? and is there a way to kill these bitches without killin my plants? PLEASE GIVE ME SOME INSIGHT :evil:
thanx guys, i finally got rid of them. they wer fungus gnats and all i had to do was just remove the top layer of soil where they lay their eggs. i havnt seen one since. my next grow will def be with a fox farm soil. thanx again