HHHEEEELLLPP are these ready 2 flower???? lights go on soon need 2 know asap


ya next feeding switch.you will only need 1-2doses of grow 1/2 way through flowering.Some people flush when they go to flower, but personally id give them a heavy watering of fresh water right time and feed next watering. They have enough phosphorus to start the bloom from the grow fert, but you want to boost it asap, but obviously need to not burn it. Its not an exact science, the plant will take what it needs.

I usually start dropping the light to 14/10 1/2way into flowering and drop it 1hr per week for the last 4 weeks, you sac a small amount of yield but get a ton of THC. you can wait till last week and do 24hrs of darkness too if you want.


Active Member
ya next feeding switch.you will only need 1-2doses of grow 1/2 way through flowering.Some people flush when they go to flower, but personally id give them a heavy watering of fresh water right time and feed next watering. They have enough phosphorus to start the bloom from the grow fert, but you want to boost it asap, but obviously need to not burn it. Its not an exact science, the plant will take what it needs.

I usually start dropping the light to 14/10 1/2way into flowering and drop it 1hr per week for the last 4 weeks, you sac a small amount of yield but get a ton of THC. you can wait till last week and do 24hrs of darkness too if you want.
could write me a feeding/water schedule starting from 2mrw ?????? 1st day flowering start 2am


I have no idea of what you have done so far, like last feeding, how much of what you used,etc. Is it just the full ionic line or do you have other stuff to add? lots of details i cant really determine for you-also thats the fun of growing, and the learning experience we all have to go through, follow the labels, and watch the plant. IMO you are better off using less nutes and feeding every other time. Imagine cooking without a recipe, follow your instinct, what the plant shows and what the nute maker recommends.

No cheat codes in growing my friend, live, learn, and love it. you will be awake at night wondering if you did it right, if you should add this or if this or that is right, lol its a great feeling like being a new dad...after a few kids tho, you know what to do and dont stress


Its a learning process, and I'd rather you not blame me when it doesnt go right, all plants are different so a scheduled feeding is just a guidline. google "cannabis grow bible" and read the scribd version. great guide for beginners. and I use this site to diagnose any nute problems, http://www.greenmanspage.com/guides/tables.html . it works well.

I just harvested some durban and the moby dick. I work for a dispensary so we are always growing. I dont like to take pics of the warehouse for security reasons, but Ill take a pic of my new clones going into flower this weekend.Some nice Super Skunk. They are a week late IMO so a lil large, but easy to prune as they flower. they are indicas so wont be as large anyways, but you will see what some LST can do.

I work 60-80hrs a week depending on harvest time or not. Im at work right now doing this in between patients. lol I take some pics but dont post much. gonna do some journals of my test grows in a few months to show what/if the diff is with music and without, some diff nute styles-bottled vs teas, etc. Ill keep you posted.

Start with this for 1st 3-4 weeks
Make up IONIC Soil or Coco Bloom and supply to plants.
Supply IONIC BOOST at 1 ml per litre.
Repeat twice weekly.

Water plants with GreenMyst Humic at 5 ml per litre.
Repeat at weekly intervals until harvest.

GreenFuse Bloom can be supplied to plants weekly. 1-2 ml per litre.
Follow instructions carefully.
Continue right up to harvest.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Last 3-4 weeks
Make up IONIC Soil or Coco Bloom and supply to plants.
Supply IONIC BOOST at 1 ml per litre.
Repeat twice weekly until harvest.

Flush heavily about 1-1.5 weeks before picking, (this next part is not imperative but personal preference to speed drying and reduce mold possibilities) stop watering about 2-3days before clipping -depends on how often you have to water normally. Basically the day you pick the buds they should be starting to droop a little, but not crispy. Like if you missed watering them by a day :)

Nothing in living things can be scheduled, just use your best judgement, the best growers are just intuitive and pay attention to their plants needs.


Active Member
Start with this for 1st 3-4 weeks
Make up IONIC Soil or Coco Bloom and supply to plants.
Supply IONIC BOOST at 1 ml per litre.
Repeat twice weekly.

Water plants with GreenMyst Humic at 5 ml per litre.
Repeat at weekly intervals until harvest.

GreenFuse Bloom can be supplied to plants weekly. 1-2 ml per litre.
Follow instructions carefully.
Continue right up to harvest.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Last 3-4 weeks
Make up IONIC Soil or Coco Bloom and supply to plants.
Supply IONIC BOOST at 1 ml per litre.
Repeat twice weekly until harvest.

Flush heavily about 1-1.5 weeks before picking, (this next part is not imperative but personal preference to speed drying and reduce mold possibilities) stop watering about 2-3days before clipping -depends on how often you have to water normally. Basically the day you pick the buds they should be starting to droop a little, but not crispy. Like if
you missed watering them by a day :smile:

1-1.5 week only water- for flush????? i water with nutes every tue and sat????


Ya, I water every 2nd-3rd day, and feed every other watering personally, so mine is (clean water Monday, Feed Wed/Thursday, Clean water Fri/Sat, Feed Monday, etc.)

The flush thing is not imperative, but theres 2 ways, you can stop feeding them 1-2weeks before harvest and let them flush naturally, (just water heavy) or you can wait till a few days to 1 week before harvest and flood them with fresh water till the runoff is clear, or atleast mostly clear (could be up to 15-20 gals in a 10 gal pot-less soil means less water.)

I usually prefer to do the flood about 5days before harvest and thats it, no more water... You can always bend them too, to keep room.