Hi from Germany

Hi all,

Thank you RIU for setting up such a nice forum.
Thank you to the community for all your help and information!

Well, I am a long time smoker and fed up smokiing crappy stuff. Sadly the most guys grow for profit and not for quality. I am more of a sativa smoker but do enjoy a nice indica.
I am starting to grow for the first time and the forum already helped me,maybe saving my first grow. If not, it's my fault, but at least I know what is wrong

Again thanks a million RIU.

I hope to be able to help other growers once I get a little experience.

Well that said, wish all of you a good start in 2015 and happy toking,



Well-Known Member
Gruss Gott TD,
I looked at your other posts, and had one suggestion that has worked for me on more than a few occasions. Warning, it does cause stretching. I spray my seedlings/cuttings and dome, with seltzer water. It has CO2 in it and doesn't have salts. Some sparkling water has salt and that will kill a plant. I also put some seltzer tabs in a small cup of water and place that in the dome. Sometimes the plants will grow well, but don't put out roots for a while. That is with cuttings. Seedlings do not have that problem, they already have roots. When they are ready, usually between five and twenty-one days, I plant them in coco/perilite, inside plastic beer cups with holes drilled in the bottom of the cups. I bury them up to the leaves, so that the leaves do not touch the soil. Since you have autoflowers, you can run them 24/0, 20/4 or 18/6 lighting after that. Clone02.gif .


Well-Known Member
Guten tag!

Glad to have you here! I'm not one for giving advice on soil grows or using autoflowers, but I'm very interested in the legal climate for growing and possessing cannabis in Deutschland. Can you tell me more about it?
well at the moment, germany is quite tight. Your allowed to smoke but not to have it. Kind of weird, right.
There are of course exceptions, but these are as far as I know very rare and only in some medical cases. People suffering from Cancer or some mental illnesses (e.g: ADHS). But these people have to pay like 75€ at the pharmacy for 1 gramm. that's ~90$.
That is just plain insane!!!! You have to get poor to get healthy, wtf!

Last month, a court allowed 3 from 5 people to actually legally grow there own weed @ home. The 3 were only granted the right, because they could prove, that their setup was safe from intruders.

Otherwise, I am not a very aware of how the canabis legalization is coming alogn. Some say it's at the door and others say it wil never be done, because the politicians are too conservativ.

For the weed, beeing sold here, you could say the best you get in the most cases, is weed around 14 - 16%, but once I had a really nice strain with 21% (Tutakamun) but this is rare.Weed prices jump from 8€ to 14€. The price has nothing to do with the quality though! A couple years back you would also get the mix shit with sand and all kinds of other shit (Spray, sand, even mini glass splitters) but this doesn't happen anymore. You really thought the guys would go to the sandbox before they sold their stuff.

Thanks for the replies and hope to see you around.

Warble, thanks for the advice, I'll try it in a grow sometime.



Well-Known Member
Schoënen dank!

These were similar to the first cracks in the 'Berlin Wall' of American pot prohibition. Colorado led the country- and the world- by being first to legalize. The door was kicked open by the long-standing acceptance of marijuana among the well educated and politically progressive citizens of this state coming together with the trend to legalize for medical purposes.

Germany is full of pragmatic, rational, educated individuals- as evidenced by the fact that as few of them enter politics there as they do here! Pot legalization in the First World is, in my own opinion, a fiat accompli- various politicians and law enforcement officials will resist, but the deal is done.


Well-Known Member
My interest is professional as well as personal; I'm developing technologies to grow plants indoors for food or medicine at less expense than ever before.

I'm certain Europe would be an excellent market for my products, considering the high cost of electrical power there.


Well-Known Member
Welcome. I loved the food while on business in Germany many years ago. Beautiful country! Those old castles are way too cool.


Well-Known Member
"pragmatic educated individuals" Are the young people over there still Hitler apologists, or did that fad peter out?
My interest is professional as well as personal; I'm developing technologies to grow plants indoors for food or medicine at less expense than ever before.

I'm certain Europe would be an excellent market for my products, considering the high cost of electrical power there.
well don't push the germans that hard ;) They are still very conservativ and a demoratic pain in the butt(always paperwork for everything) , but they are very very good with Money, nobody in Europe got back up as good as they did after the big bank crisis! :)
I do not think electricity is really expensiv, TAXES ARE ;( about 42% of my pay get's ripped of by the bloody goverment and that sucks :( but otherwise then that life is good here :).

I have to say, as I am just starting out here, I can't give an exact number, but it should be ~40 - 60€, which is about ~40 - 70$ a month. I dunno how much it would costs in the states for 2 * 600W ballasts and a couple of fans and a nice tent.
Tell me, how much would such a setup cost in the US?

Yes, Colorado did open the eyes of the world for this. A couple of countries in Europe also, like the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Belgium but till now not the "Big" ones, like France and Germany :(

Welcome. I loved the food while on business in Germany many years ago. Beautiful country! Those old castles are way too cool.
Yes food and castles do ROCK here :) oh and the women are one of a Kind ;)

"pragmatic educated individuals" Are the young people over there still Hitler apologists, or did that fad peter out?
Come on! Thi is history! There are more white supremasist in the states then here! and assholes can be found all over the world!
My interest is professional as well as personal; I'm developing technologies to grow plants indoors for food or medicine at less expense than ever before.

I'm certain Europe would be an excellent market for my products, considering the high cost of electrical power there.
by the way, I hope your project comes out to be working out for ya! Sounds really good and could also be used all around the world, not just here! Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Yes, there are a lot of white supremists in the US.,but they are seldom pragmatic, or educated. The German students I talked with about 4 years ago WERE educated, seemed to operate from a refined set of talking points and according to them, part of a movement sweeping the country.
nah, it's like everywhere the people complaining about other people are never well educated and a bunch a morrons. Like in every contry I would say! It's quite sad that people still think, the germans are like that, because really they might conservativ in a lot of ways but they wanna move on too.

anyways don't worry, the gernans are coming in Peace :P


Well-Known Member
"pragmatic educated individuals" Are the young people over there still Hitler apologists, or did that fad peter out?
That's a tiny group, but they do make for sensationalist headlines in the States, don't they? Think of them as Germany's KKK.


Well-Known Member
Yes, there are a lot of white supremists in the US.,but they are seldom pragmatic, or educated. The German students I talked with about 4 years ago WERE educated, seemed to operate from a refined set of talking points and according to them, part of a movement sweeping the country.
Just exactly what you'll hear from KKK members too- amazing coincidence.


Well-Known Member
The cannabis cup in Nov. from what I read was a 4 star fiasco. As you are closer to the scene I wonder if U have any thoughts as to its future, and exactly what the Gov. there is trying to do. Kill the cup, or just kill everybody's buzz. Can it survive w/o the Am. greenbacks flying in, and w/o the green backs will High Times continue to sponsor? Is there any other option in Europe than Spain?


bud bootlegger
welcome think different.. i've been to germany a few times.. stayed in aachen when i went to the belgian grand prix, and spent a few hours in koln, which i thought was a pretty cool little city.. really enjoyed the damm cathedral
The cannabis cup in Nov. from what I read was a 4 star fiasco. As you are closer to the scene I wonder if U have any thoughts as to its future, and exactly what the Gov. there is trying to do. Kill the cup, or just kill everybody's buzz. Can it survive w/o the Am. greenbacks flying in, and w/o the green backs will High Times continue to sponsor? Is there any other option in Europe than Spain?
All I know from NL citizens is they are fed up with all the weed toutistics going on there, even i it's good for the economy. I think a lot of tourist, just don't know how to behave and that pisses them off, which I understand completly.
Sry don't really know much about other countries, but in Germany the only thing we have is the Hemp Parade (hanfparade) which is just a big mass parade of people walking peacefully through Berlin for their right to smoke and posess the herb. Like I said earlier, a lot of people have different opinions.

welcome think different.. i've been to germany a few times.. stayed in aachen when i went to the belgian grand prix, and spent a few hours in koln, which i thought was a pretty cool little city.. really enjoyed the damm cathedral
Yeah Köln is really cool because a lot of young people live there, it is really a big city of different cultures and people are more open minded! A bit like Freiburg in the south! That is also one hell of a city.
