Hi from latvia


New Member
as only latvian cannabis grower forum shut down(at least only one that i know), i started searching for alternatives. this was next stop :D i hope to make new friends here and continue educating myself further on matter of subject. :D

so far i have little experience of growing indoors. first one was auto ak47 with 50w and 24w diy led panels. i managed to get some puny 17 grams :D second one is still growing - it was planted specially my grandfather who recently died of cancer. it is aurora indica, my first photoperiod type. i was searching long and far for best medical strain, this was oe of them. unfortunately grandfather didnt make it....but world moves on. plant is about month into flowering, looks like it will yield a lot more. still under same led panels. plus some occasional sunlight for 30-60mins daily.

earlier i had few grows in countryside, but mainly cannabis was used for sauna brushes and tea. that was just ordinary latvian noname "ditchweed". still it helped my mother relax after stressful workday, but i have never tried it anyway other than tea. :D i guess it should be potent, because crystals were quite visible. btw - if anyone would like to grow it for themselves i could send some seeds when i reap this years bounty :D

while typing, i remembered that i had another grow indoors, that was overfertilized and died :( and i wait to see this years outdoor yield for my 2xauto ak47's

cheers ;)


New Member
uuuummmmm......dumb question....how can i send something like personal message? i found few buddies from now defunct latvian forum, tried to message them, but not sure if them get it.


Staff member
uuuummmmm......dumb question....how can i send something like personal message? i found few buddies from now defunct latvian forum, tried to message them, but not sure if them get it.
you do not have private messaging abilities yet you will have to wait and become an active forum member


Well-Known Member
Sveiks! :D Yup, I was quite dissapointed that cannab.biz shut down. Bummer. But life goes on ;)