hi guys totally new to this please help :(

I am into my second week of flowering my plants 2x big Buddha cheese and 2x northern lights I am using a 600w hps,i have segregated the two strains on 2 sides i.e cheese on the right and nl on the left.. I have recently noticed that the cheese have not been supping up the water from the trays but the nl trays are empty everyday, I may have over watered the cheese but I am not sure :/ also they have started turning a wee bit yellow... I will up load some pics and any feedback and help will be very appreciated.. btw the leaves are drooping.....peace



sounds like overwatering to me. let the soil dry out real good before watering again. you may have root rot. carefully take the plant out of the pot and look at the root ball at the bottom, is it white or yellow/amber color? if it isn't stark white, it means you have some root rot going on. google root rot to find a fix.


New Member
sounds like simple over watering or possible root bound as those pots look WAY to small to be flowering in.your cheese sounds rootbound would be my opinion so like uke said pull it out and look the the roots if their going crazy everywhere then your root bound and get a bigger pot.your plant in the pic isnt in flower yet also so dont stop feeding nitrogen to her.you have to have alternating nodes before true flower begins.she is definetly in need of nitrogen and to dry out a bit.good luck keep us posted
thanks guys I appreciate it. I have checked the roots and the majority of them are bright white but there are a few little ones which have a tinge of brown in? I will get this sorted 1st thing in the morning.. I also have another pic which I would like a 2nd opinion on if u cud please? the white little strands which look like roots (not 100% sure) or the first signs of mould... thanksSDC11122.jpg


New Member
thanks guys I appreciate it. I have checked the roots and the majority of them are bright white but there are a few little ones which have a tinge of brown in? I will get this sorted 1st thing in the morning.. I also have another pic which I would like a 2nd opinion on if u cud please? the white little strands which look like roots (not 100% sure) or the first signs of mould... thanksView attachment 2425554
no thats not mold thats root bound bud.when they have no where else to go they will grow right up out of the dirt.get a bigger pot and make sure those get covered with soil.
hi again guys, I have now re-potted my plants into 12L pots. when removing from the pots there was a skanky smell and was completely soaked, I have bought some CANNAZYM but I am scared to water/feed them would you recommend me watering them with the cannazym and bio bloom when completely dry or as as they are now? . thanks b


Well-Known Member
I think you jumped the gun a little - you could have started them way bigger under a 600 watt.

Hopefully you took clones and already got them started for next grow? If you want to use your light to it's fullest, and dont want to wait for the plants to get big, just do 3x3 instead of 2x2, or do 3-2-3, a square with a hole in the middle:

X .. X

Seems to work better with no middle plant.