Hi Help needed with viewing attatchments


Hi i can see pictures that are directly in the post but none that are attatched... any ideas?? thanks Tab:-?


no error just has a paperclip with atatchment next to it.. no link to click or anything...? wierd eh.. haha
same here. too bad, I got some great shots of Arjons Haze no. 2 I can share.

PS when I clicked on anybodys picture page I get a new window with the originating forum but in super small print?

When I upload a picture I get error 505...


Well-Known Member
Same here just a paperclip and nuthin more, it wasworking fine yesterday. It has to be a problem with the site.


Well-Known Member
I had this problem when I first logged on. I closed my browser and then came back and everything was fine for a while. Now the problem just started up again.