Hi i need some help with my plant ...its Male or Female :(


3 moths now and there is no sign of buds yet, is it male ??? (big plant) btw its growing outside in my green house :(
PS in small pots i have Wight widow...


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Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure she's female by the way she is growing but she isn't showing signs of sex right now. The structure looks female to me, we will see.


I'm pretty sure she's female by the way she is growing but she isn't showing signs of sex right now. The structure looks female to me, we will see.
its not a first time i grow outside in green house ...but its first time i can not see its male or female and plant is close to 3 moths ;/


Well-Known Member
if u say they are almost 3 months then i will say they will be female, males always show sex faster than girls, also u say u are outdoors so she most be getting a lot of hours of sun exposure, get big cardboard boxes and cover them for 12 hours and then let her get sun for 12 and repeat, i don't even know where u live, how much hours of sun u getting in your area?


if u say they are almost 3 months then i will say they will be female, males always show sex faster than girls, also u say u are outdoors so she most be getting a lot of hours of sun exposure, get big cardboard boxes and cover them for 12 hours and then let her get sun for 12 and repeat, i don't even know where u live, how much hours of sun u getting in your area?
Ireland..but coz it's in green house it's always nice heat inside and I keep humidity 40-50%...plus summer was good this year


Well-Known Member
3 moths now and there is no sign of buds yet, is it male ??? (big plant) btw its growing outside in my green house :(
PS in small pots i have Wight widow...
My outdoor plants are similar looking tyke.they start with very small thin white pistels usually on your 5-6th branch u can tell nearer the stem the pistels may be easier to see.(i cant tell on yr pics)
should be easier to be able to tell in a couple of weeks.i hope,im in sane boat wuth my purple theyv tiny pistels at the mo.
Were still getting around15- 16hrs daylight up here.think your weathers very similar to mine.


My outdoor plants are similar looking tyke.they start with very small thin white pistels usually on your 5-6th branch u can tell nearer the stem the pistels may be easier to see.(i cant tell on yr pics)
should be easier to be able to tell in a couple of weeks.i hope,im in sane boat wuth my purple theyv tiny pistels at the mo.
Were still getting around15- 16hrs daylight up here.think your weathers very similar to mine.
thx for replay... i guess ill know answer in next cpl weeks :)


Well-Known Member
Hello mate I was just wondering How do you keep your humidity that stable in a greenhouse? Mine was around 50 through day but rocketing up to 95% when sun went down.i only had seedlings in there but it seemed to be stumping them si i had to take em out and they ended up tiny.i wanna use the greenhouse again and i aleays thought it would be perfect conditions for plants as in cumbria our weather is all over the place,i was wrong.
Ireland..but coz it's in green house it's always nice heat inside and I keep humidity 40-50%...plus summer was good this year


Well-Known Member
Almost a week? more pics? I'd like to see what these on the other plant grew into.Untitled.png Untitled.png grew into...


Hello mate I was just wondering How do you keep your humidity that stable in a greenhouse? Mine was around 50 through day but rocketing up to 95% when sun went down.i only had seedlings in there but it seemed to be stumping them si i had to take em out and they ended up tiny.i wanna use the greenhouse again and i aleays thought it would be perfect conditions for plants as in cumbria our weather is all over the place,i was wrong.
well i have 6 windows in my green house ..any time it go over 50% i open extra window for more fresh air...but there is nothing u can do if u water yr plants ....it will go up 99% at some point ...then i open all 6 windows and wait till it go back to 50%