Hi - new here! ... and a question ...


Well-Known Member
Hi - I am new here although I have been reading for a while. I have been gardening for the last 5 or 6 years, starting indoors in peat pots and then move them outside. I'm pretty low-tech, just pick the males and occasionally fertilize. Seems to work okay most years although I am going to put them out later next year because I lost a lot to torrential spring rains two years in a row.

I posted a question in the hermie thread, so if you have a minute and you know about hermies, please visit!



New Member
u wont need a magnifing glass to see them u can see them with just your eye
i got one hermie out of sixteen plants picked pollen sacs off when 4- 5 weeks in to flower and now it is clean and got 4 main colas from topping
will pull about a oz or a oz and a half off it


Well-Known Member
I only see the flowers but I am not sure what to look for in a "pollen sac". I haven't found a good picture yet. I've been growing for a little while (since hubby and I moved out to the country in 2004) and never noticed hermie features before. Can you link to a good picture or diagram that points out the pods? To me, the flowers look like pods but they open up. I am guessing you are talking about something different.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've been searching and looking at a lot of pics. I have not found one that clearly labels the pollen sac or otherwise points it out, but I'll keep looking. The plant itself looks really female with a lot of thick budding action and quite a few side stems, none of which had the flowers. I only found six flowers on the main stem, but might be a couple others.


New Member
did u look at links i posted?

Yeah, I've been searching and looking at a lot of pics. I have not found one that clearly labels the pollen sac or otherwise points it out, but I'll keep looking. The plant itself looks really female with a lot of thick budding action and quite a few side stems, none of which had the flowers. I only found six flowers on the main stem, but might be a couple others.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I guess I am just pretty thick. You know I took a neuroanatomy class in grad school and we had a slide show exam where we had to identify brain structures. I scored lower than a girl in the class who was legally blind. Unfortunately, I'm not kidding :)


New Member
LMAO t wouldnt tell to many that lol
see the yellow parts in pics that is pollen sac busted open
dont worry if u suspect a hermie take pic and post and we can help u
but got to catch them before the pollen is spread and separate from others

Yes, I guess I am just pretty thick. You know I took a neuroanatomy class in grad school and we had a slide show exam where we had to identify brain structures. I scored lower than a girl in the class who was legally blind. Unfortunately, I'm not kidding :)