hi new here


hello there i am a new member,my friend began a grow 3 weeks ago usin feminised super cheese seeds ,

everything has been running smooth well smooth for a first grow

the equipment is 250 blue cfl in a powerplant reflector
secret jardin dr90 tent
6 inch fan
plagron lightmix soil
full ionic range /greenfuse

from seed he used john innes no 1 and within 24 hours they germinated and were placed in soil
for 3 weeks now they have amazed me at how well they are growing for a first grow

they were transplanted about 2 weeks old into half litre round pots and were doing great,

they are now 3 weeks and 2 days old from seed and not looking as great as they were
problem is im not sure if they need water or dont need water ,im going to upload a picture so people can help out if possible ,ive been thinking repot but i havent as im not yet sure .



in the last picture there is the most affected plant with whatever he is doing wrong ,he doesnt mind the slight yellowing but the pot still feels quite heavy but the plant seems to be droopy ,2 plants of the 4 are acting like this and they are the biggest 2 as if they are overwatered so ive not watered them more incase its already too much so not watering them isnt changing anything seems to be getting worse oh all confused he is


Well-Known Member
Easy on watering and may be getting hungry... Thats a light low nute soil?


yes its plagron light mix i am now using with the ionic grow and greenfuse grow,

the soloution is 10ml grow and 1 ml greenfuse grow on 2 litres of boiled then cooled water

everything has been fine until now i just dont like that yellowing or the drooping so im not sure to feed them or not im scared to do anything now to be honest


they look prety good to me, i think its time for a feeding or two, they look like they want some nitrogen, you also needto transplant into bigger pots soon as that will become an issue much faster than you think


man i just noticed since i am new that i have algae growing in the 2 litre i have mixed up of grow solution it was about 8 days old and sat in the tent next to the plant,i have now binned that stuff ,ive not used much of it at all to be honest i did use a little bit of it a few hours ago before i noticed the green ring round where the stuff sat and im sure i now have that shit in my dirt and after a little feed of it the plants dont look better they actually look worse so now i think ill leave them for a few days,yes i am actually thinking about repotting the final time just to get it done ,see the amount of things ive been reading about algae now its enough to turn a person crazy lol agh well 1st grow i now know not to have solution in clear bottles or near light lesson learned,so what have i done put tinfoil around the tops of pots to stop any light getting to algae if there is any but i dont know what this will do hope it all goes ok


Well-Known Member
im having a prob that started like that not sure what it is i think maybe salt buildup im gonna do a flush my next water here is what it looks like now first two pics is when it started second two is 4 days after noticing it



Active Member
They look to be a bit over watered to me, would explain why they look so droopy. The issues on the leaf looks like a deficiency, are you PHing your water per feeding? If so what are you keeping the PH at?


well ive just binned the plants as they didnt make it, just sold the equipment i had getting out of the game before i ever get into it haha at least i have some money again if nothing else ,agh well its been great here and good luck to the people still trying and goodbye :)


why would you throw them away? they looked fine? all you needed to do was put a little effort into it bro...