Hi possible herm ?? need advice

yea not seeing a ball or anything , so im not worried , just dont wanna fuck my 9 others that are day`18 in flowering if i see red hairs ill cry lol ,. that means fertilized :( no balls . yet should be good


Well-Known Member
Sup grower.
Are you talking about the Bump on the main stemm just before the Branches?
Thats definatly a female flower there.
So Hopefully its a false alarm.

The males dont have hairs comming out of em an will start to look like a cluster of grapes when opened.
Hermies dont make your weed bunk or anything.


Well-Known Member
standard female is all i see. you wont know if its a hermie till she starts flowering real good. (usually) looks good an healthy to me.

their skunk seeds got them from a friend he found them in some skunk he had ,. i just didnt know if they were produced by a plant hermin or natural via male ,. so im being extra careful .. im in my garden alot so i see everything :)