Hi there!


Hey guys,

I am the new girl in town I guess hehe. I love smoking a big fattie here and there so I join a couple of sites to learn how to grow my own. I hope to meet some cool people who can teach me around here. :leaf:


Moderatrix of Journals
bc. i grew up in vancouver but now i'm more in the boonies.

lol, i tend to be 'one of the guys' (especially when talking about cannabis) but sometimes it feels like you can't take 2 mouse clicks without getting slapped with a sausage around here ;). i was talking to another girl and we were figuring that most of the folks who have a hot chick as their avi must be dudes (if the chick's nekkid, definitely). (is that you? be careful; you're cute enough that someone might think you're actually another dude with a hot chick avi....:))

whereabouts are you?


Haha. you guys are flattering. I think I am pretty average.

I am more of a tomboy than I look. I don't know too much about cannibis but I can toke a big fattie and get real nasty when someone does not respect me. Although I think it's cool if dudes on this site considers me a dude as well, less attention I suppose. I hope to make some friends around here that will treat me like any other person and maybe help me out with my trees, :D

I am actually from Toronto Ontario right across the province from you guys. haha, I am 24 how old are you guys?