Hi to all! lontime reader/smoker but new to growing, advice needed please chaps

Hi to all :)

Firstly i would like to introduce my self my names Daz im from the sunny uk, and also a new memebr to the forum, i have been a longtime smoker but very new to the growing game, so i apologizes in advance for some noob questions that may sound silly, its all still new to me :)

I have been helping a friend with his crops and have small operation myself on site to learn from, the friend im learning from is very knowledgeable and has been growing for some time, i feel i have learnt alot with him in the past 2 weeks i have been on site and also a lot from stickies on the forum.

Recently we have switched over from bio bizz feeds to plant magic old timer feeds an beneficials (hence the name haha) as another friend we no is seing brilliant results with there products and there feed table is very basic an easy for me to go by, so felt it was perfect for me to start with to learn as i go,

Over the past couple of week we have experienced some problems, nothing todo with the change in feeds etc just general problems with certain plants.

My main issue i find is diagnosing a problem, as i sometimes feel im misinterpreting the problem for something else and could give the wrong treatment, i have read many stickies on the forum but still unsure on the issue we are having with a few plants.

The stats

strain rhino
week 2 of flower
pots light mix plant magic soil
watered with plant magic feeds as per table 3ml grow per ltr
Each plant is watered half ltr to 3/4 ltr, everyday (but have been carefull to no over feed etc)

It started with one plant, the tallest of the crop, but others have started to do the same it started to go a very light green (nearly yellow but not quite) and i mean really bright almost alumnus within days, all at the top half of the plant, then over the last two days some shadow leaves started to show spots on the end and have started to go brown an turn up-woulds, im sure somewhere i read on the forum some time ago it was a mag/cal deficiency, fed the worst case plants some plant magic magne cal, 1ml per ltr.

It has shown very slight signs of goin a slight shade darker, but im unsure if i have diagnosed the problem correctly, as i have since read this on a sticky
"Affected plants are usually tallest and appear to be most vigorous. Necrotic spots form on lower leaves. Red stems. Leaves appear pale or yellow. Add chemical fertilizer containing K."

So just after some more opinions on the problem really,so in future i no what the issue is and can treat it strait away, its all a massive learning curve for me still so find it all interesting.

Thanks in advance, any advice it greatly appreciated Thanks Daz

So some pics
of the issue

Started off going light green at the top part

then the shadow leaves started to do this, with tips die'ing off an curling upwoulds



Well-Known Member
Bro all these lockout def are due to poor monitoring of PH, waterings and feeds. When it goes out far enough its hard to bring the plant back. With out green healthy leaves your harvest will be crap at best. For eg my tap water is 8.8 ,now if i didnt adjust it i wouldnt have a brass razoo to my name.
Have now fixed the pics so please feel free to view an give input peeps

Hi buds thanks for the reply, thats the thing plant magic is made in my area, they are literally just up the road from me, its made for our water in the area ph of 7.4, and when asking the plant magic rep he said there is no need to adjust the ph of the water for reasons above, and because the soil itself buffers slightly so almost 90% sure its not a ph issue we are having but will double check the run off ph just incase, thanks for the input matey
Currently have a ph meter but not one for soil

is it worth using the ph meters with the metal probe that you put in the soil to see what the ph is? or are they not accurate enough?
is it better to do ph run off test do you think?

i no for sure my water is 7.3/7.4


Well-Known Member
Currently have a ph meter but not one for soil

is it worth using the ph meters with the metal probe that you put in the soil to see what the ph is? or are they not accurate enough?
is it better to do ph run off test do you think?

i no for sure my water is 7.3/7.4
There usable that's about it.Try to find a digital one.You sound sure about water ph,I don't think water ph is your problem.I don't know if its best to measure runoff but definitely measure both(in/out).
thanks for the reply

So the probe types arnt really worth using then?

I have read up on ph run off tests etc, but never carried out one myself, reasons being i dont want to over water/feed it.
As i only usually give them small amounts every 24hours.

If i carry out a ph run off test do i then have to wait a few days for the soil to dry out before i can feed it again to rectify the ph problem if i find one?
Yes every 24hours only small amounts tho, say 2 to 3 coffee mugs full say 1/2ltr each plant, I notice a lot of other people water every other day giving the plant lots say 2ltrs each plant, is this a better way of doing things?


Well-Known Member
yes, water less frequently and only feed every third watering. I stick my index finger into the pot up to the knuckle, if soil sticks to your finger it is moist enough.

when you water with so little you get dry spots and run off can't do its job,.

you were feeding every watering?


Active Member
I agree... try watering every 2-3 days, when the medium is dry on the top only, moist beneath. And water/feed enough so that you get a decent amount of run off, that will help things greatly.
If you are feeding with every watering, I'd back off. Try doing every third watering (FEED, WATER, WATER).
Hope this helps.
yes, water less frequently and only feed every third watering. I stick my index finger into the pot up to the knuckle, if soil sticks to your finger it is moist enough.

when you water with so little you get dry spots and run off can't do its job,.

you were feeding every watering?
thanks for the reply

ok considering the way i water with the next crop now, but feel watering a little everyday with feeds maybe be a better option, as if i see an issue i can act fast rather than waiting for the soil to dry before i can administer the correct 'medicine' etc

yes i add plant magic feeds with water everyday.

Speaking with the rep he insists not to adjust the ph, as the feeds are all organic and the soil feeds my water supply are all designed to work in harmony.

I have been treating said plant with plant magic magne cal, and is showing very slight signs on improvement, so maybe it was a mag/cal deficiency?
I agree... try watering every 2-3 days, when the medium is dry on the top only, moist beneath. And water/feed enough so that you get a decent amount of run off, that will help things greatly.
If you are feeding with every watering, I'd back off. Try doing every third watering (FEED, WATER, WATER).
Hope this helps.
Thanks for your input also buddy

Again as said above really the rep insists as its organic to use feed with every watering.

When you say to get a decent run off, do you mean keep pooring water/feed in untill i see it dripping out the bottom of the pots?


Active Member
pretty much... I would feed/water until I see it start to come out the bottom into the tray the pot sits in. Usually, when you feed/water until you begin to see run off, the run off will continue for a minute or so after you stop. Empty the tray holding the pot so it doesn't just sit in the run off. This will make sure your medium is good and thoroughly moist (no dry pockets) and will also assist with toxic salt build-up... just in case.


Well-Known Member
spot on Personal Jesus.

that plants bottom half of the root ball is loving its enviro, top half is like " why don't you love me"