Hi weird problem here


Hi,have been reading this site alot and have a problem that i hope you will take the time to read and berate me for.So i am doing my first grow and it has been such a difficult experience so far.Firstly i got seeds from greenhouseseeds,i don't know if any of you have experience of them ,but they coat their seeds in paint or some shit.I am only gorwing 2 plants because of space limitations and it took me to waste 6 seeds trying to germ them with the paint on them before i realised that the paint crumbled off them if you rolled them in your fingers.Now i still do'nt know if your meant to germ them with the paint on them or not ,but when i did do this the 2 seeds germd in 24 hours.so i had that problem now for the real problem.They have been under a 200w cfl for 2 days now in soil.One of them is doing ok i think,it has 2 round baby leaves or something and then 2 smaller "real" leaves ,it is a dark green colour and looks healthy enough.Only complaint is the stem looks a little thin but i don't know if this is normal or not....now for the problem..the other seedling is retarded ,the 2 baby leaves i talk about on the other one are like fused together on this one it is sort of brown and disfigured looking and fused togther BUT the there is the 2 "real growing and look normal if only alot smaller than the other plant..I'm wondering if it has something to do with heat,i'm growing in a cupboard and i don't have a fan yet so the heat does actuually build up quite alot even with the cfl .i open it up reguraly to let the heat out but when i leave it for a few hours it gets pretty hot .Is this the problem...more importantly should i waste anymore time on this retarded plant? Hope someone can answer because like i said i am growing 2 plants so i don't waste 3 months growing just 1 plant if you know what i mean an ting